[Guide] Weapon Recoil Plots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by thefissk, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. thefissk

    After many hours of work I am ready to release my recoil plots for most of the guns in PS2! I took the guns and simulated firing them in 15, 11 shot bursts from the hip, standing still, at a range of 1 unit (the data is not clear whether it is meters or not), as fast as possible, and graphed them. I'm up for any suggestions so feel free, I will try to respond to all the reasonable ones.

    NOTE: I do not have any conclusive data in any attachments. if you have it I will be more than willing to add those graphs

    New Conglomerate

    [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] (is actually the Gauss Compact Burst)[IMG][IMG][IMG]

    All graphs are at the same scale
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  2. thefissk

    New Conglomerate (CONT’D)


    All graphs are at the same scale

    Terran Confederacy


    All graphs are at the same scale
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  3. thefissk

    Terran Confederacy (CONT’D)

    All graphs are at the same scale

    Vanu Sovereignty


    All graphs are at the same scale
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  4. thefissk

    Vanu Sovereignty (CONT’D)


    All graphs are at the same scale



    Is a gun missing or is there a typo? Tell me I will add it in. At this time however i will not be adding any of the Shotguns, or Sniper Rifles, with the exception of the full auto Scout Rifles, and the NC's Jackhammer. This is because their recoil is ridiculous and they would not fit in the graphs

    Want to use these in your guide or video? make sure you give me credit for the work.

    A big thanks to the creator of the http://ps2.dynet.com who I got the data from

    All graphs are at the same scale
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  5. Raidashi

    Uhm... Wow.

    Nice job... Seriously. If this data is legit thats awesome.

    When you say a range of 1, you mean like 1 meter i'm assuming...

    If thats the case, could you show some plots of weapons out at 25 and 50m? (where alot of fighting happens)

    I'm curious what would be if you took some of the tighter spread weapons, like the GR22, and see if it bloomed out at range. Some do i've noticed, making some just simply more accurate at short range while being unintuitively excessively inaccurate at range.
  6. SolLeks

    Very nice and good information, I do wonder exactly what you mean by the 'range of 1' however.
  7. thefissk

    Sorry i was unclear there, the graphs would be identical at every range the shots would simply be more spread out. Also i cannot specify units because i am not sure what distance "1" signifies it could be in meter, but i could just as easily be 2 or 3 meters
  8. Phyr

    Is there anyway to see what the spread is like with laser sight, or spread from ADS with/without foregrip/compensator?
  9. thefissk

    because i have not conclusive data on those attachments no ... but if i could get them then by all means i could
  10. Sabzi

    Haha, I love the battlerifles.
  11. Dulu

    While this is good information, and I commend you for taking the time to do this, it's missing two valuable pieces of data.

    Bullet velocity, and initial recoil.

    Now, we can ignore the initial recoil for testing purposes - but the bullet velocity is going to have a different effect for each gun.

    A better testing range would have been 15 meters, instead of 1 meter... just to show drop-off.
  12. Phyr

    If/when you make an ADS chart I'd be interested in seeing that.

    Bullet drop isn't noticeable until at least 150m.
  13. anaverageguy

    hahahah lasher hipfire accuracy ftw
  14. Morpholine

    If you're in range to make effective use of hipfire over ADS with the Lasher, you're helping your enemy kill you. ;)
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  15. Flarestar

    Instead of aggregating these, you need to do them with just a single 11 shot burst. When you aggregate them you actually make them much harder to draw conclusions from due to the randomization. It's much easier to get a clear picture of the actual firing characteristics. Provide multiple results for each gun for accuracy's sake, but when you're combining that many firing sequences into a single composite image it mostly just muddies up the results.
  16. anaverageguy

    Lasher hipfire has been better than ADS since beta. It's more than good enough to fire at long range with a basic laser sight attachment for suppression. :rolleyes:
  17. Morpholine

    I'm not disagreeing, but some may think it's sniper-like from the graph, and it most assuredly is not.
  18. anaverageguy

    Oh, I was just saying ADS with lasher is no good at any range compared to hipfire.
  19. wabbitseason

    Uh, if this is accurate this is a huge deal. Look at the Vanu weapons..
  20. thefissk

    the problem is that with the COF mechanics working like they do a single trial is not representative of the guns recoil at all.

    if you want an accurate representation of the recoil of the gun it may make sense to chart the recoil for each shot before adding COF to the chart to give you an idea of the kick.