We need to tone down the complains about balance guys, it's been 5 years

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LUCAGRABACR, Nov 30, 2017.


    Look, I love PS2 and I know you do too else we'll all be somewhere else instead of here. And I know we want the game to last as long as it can and grow so we can have as much enjoyment as possible out of it. So maybe it's time we the players stop complaining about this faction has more X than that faction so that the devs can focus on other aspects of the game that can bring more people in, like Jesus almost every patch notes in the past 5 years has something to do with balancing things out to the point it's just things going back and forth.

    If we let the devs focus on other things they might actually come up with something that can keep the casual demographics in so they can have more players, popularity and money, and that will keep this game running as long as possible for the all of us. It's not that I'm against reasonable balance, but seriously we're balanced enough after 5 years of balancing. I don't know what kinda statistics people pull nowadays for arguments for balance, but it's not like any gun or weapon in the game is god OP compared to the other faction's counterpart anyway, I CAN'T FEEL WHAT'S OUT OF BALANCE, I NEVER HAD A TR SHOT AT ME WITH A 10 THOUSAND RPM MACHINE GUN OR HAD AN NC ONE GIB ME WITH A 1K DAMAGE/BULLET MACHINE GUN FROM 100M AWAY.

    So you know, maybe if we spare the devs' brain cells for other more important things, we can all be much more happier in the end. More players means more money and popularity, which brings even more of those things, and more money means happier and more devs to actually work on the game to make it better for the all of us to indulge in.
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  2. Liewec123

    part of the balance complaints is precisely because its been 5 years,
    5 years and max still dies to a single c4, a single c4 that wont even destroy a freaking 150 resource buggy!
    when it comes to balance that is my biggest "beef", 450 resources, the highest cost in the game
    shared with libs and MBTs and you're dead in 30 seconds.

    though balance aside, i'm more concerned about the utterly stupid changes they make that we warn them not too,
    like removing defensive sunderer deployment at allied bases.
    as you said, the game is 5 years old, do they really want to ruin the game for the small number of us that are still playing?!

    there is plenty to complain about these days!
    and the silver-lining is that it shows that we are still passionate about the game ;)
    if we didn't care about the game then we wouldn't bother, we'd just move on to something else!
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  3. adamts01

    Exactly this. Just for example, 5 years down the road and they can't manage to balance the Ranger (a measly top gun) on a single Harasser (a measly 150 nanite vehicle), so it literally locks an entire air squad in the warpgate. Sorry, there's zero excuse for that. I REALLY want to give Daybreak credit and spend hundreds more on their game, but these massive blunders just keep that from happening. That and their refusal to refund thermals. They brought this upon themselves.
  4. Campagne

    Pain is non-adapting, so is poor balance.
  5. adamts01

    You get used to pain. I don't want to say half, but that's at least a 3rd of martial arts. I get a rush out of it because it's usually intertwined with what I love to do.
  6. Towie

    We would stop complaining about balance if the devs didn't make such significant changes that inevitably lead to unexpectedly imbalanced gameplay.

    If you had posted this pre-CAI - I would have kinda agreed, it took an awful long time to get there but balance felt reasonably ok. Post CAI - nope.
  7. freeAmerish

    Well, before Critical Mess there was a few things left you could discuss...

    But now? Where am I? I can´t even destroy a full health Flash with a deffault rocket launcher...
    When someone hits me directly with an AP turret into the body, he deserves a kill (no I´m not a full time Vehicle****ter, and I also don´t need any vehicle to have a good KDR).
    Also, Wrell´s new super soldiers bouncing here and there everywhere equipped with a new jet pack that don´t let you time to react, they don´t even render in bigger fights.

    And they go on and continue with bizarre ideas. On TestServer there are three new SMGs, and one got an attachment which increases the size of your target´s Hitbox... so pay 100 Certs and get the official DayBreak cheat. Again, where am I? Is it the right way to introduce such things?

    Now, is the time to ask questions about balancing.
  8. Campagne

    As someone with an extremely painful musculoskeletal disease, no, ya' don't get used it. :p

    And what is bad balance if not pain for the game, a sign that something is wrong?
  9. MajorMalfunction

    Thank you... I have posted this before but... if they can't balance pop... wtf can they balance ??? Continent locking.... lattice... the only way to win is overpop and zerg period.. they can't/won't fix that....sooooo . you really can't expect them to fix anything... I have subscribed ( I know stupidly) for 5 years.. no more.. they don't even try to fix the obvious things.. like infinitely healthy orbital strike platforms.... gross overpop... ATV running over Maxes (any Max) cloakers flipping points cloaked.. 1 and 2 stab kills 1 shot kills (except for headshots) Moratlly and stupidly yours.. ... .... just can't support this platform with cash anymore
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  10. MajorMalfunction

    Well as everyone says.. Wrel is cancer.. "nuff said" about that..

    Grenade lauchers on Wraith ATV's .. the list is endless.. Cloakers need a serious nerf of many kinds too much to list.. that won't happen either.. so stop paying.. I'm going to and it needs to spread until someone gets the message... get rid of continent locking.. balance pop FIRST ... bring back fun alerts.. capture all tech plants... biolabs....etc... get rid of the lattice stop the zerging... bring back strategy..
  11. Diilicious

    I so badly want to play this game again, i played 2200 hours and easily spent about £80 on it, it was my jam so bad... i want it to be my jam again, but this CAI just it just ruined so much about the vehicle gameplay that I actually liked that I just cant, I still lurk the forums, still watch update livestreams and the channels on youtube that talk about the game hoping that there will be some kind of ray of light to put this game in a place where i feel good about turning it on but there just isnt... there just ISNT, it pissing me off so bad because i love this game.
  12. DemonicTreerat

    Wrong game. Daybreak doesn't have special snowflakes from the "community" chosen by how much *** they kiss.

    You want Wargaming which is that way. And please don't let the door hit you on the way out - it would delay your leaving.
  13. Diilicious

    Whoaaa somebody sounds defensive, want a biscuit mate? Um also forums dont have doors!
  14. CaptCran

    I wish we had something that fast.........
  15. csvfr

    I would say the further out from launch a game like this is, the better it is to talk balance. This because of the dynamism and multiplayer aspects making an up-front analysis difficult. It is much easier to claim that X is unbalanced when statistics and examples have been collected from gameplay over a couple of years.

    It is true that it is more difficult today than before to feel what is out of balance. There are several reasons for this, one being the continual nerfing of more or less every item in the game such that the new 'normal' of power is less than before. It makes it more difficult to spot things out of balance as they are not very protruded or drawing attention. Rather, unbalanced items today are usually underpowered. Like:
    • Why does the light assault class - yes an assault class - not have access to assault rifles? In fact they cant even use the battle rifle like any other class. Instead of creating a hazardous combat arena where every rooftop is a threat, LA's have become underpowered flies to be handled as they come, lacking any potential for organized flanking operations.
    • Why does the engineer AI turret have a hole in the front shield for snipers to shoot trough?
    • All the things that have been nerfed a little too much, like A2G esf's not being capable of quick visual target acquisition (the thermal nerf), rocket launchers being less capable than underbarrel grenade launchers, etc.
    • Probably a lot of other stuff too my consciousness is not aware of.
    So instead of creating another 'don't do this' thread, why not come with some proposals of what you would like to discuss? What are these 'more important' things? Are they exclusively the things which directly cause more players to come/stay? What if your assumption that that leads to more money/popularity is wrong, what then? Or that more money/popularity leads to the game running longer?
  16. OneShadowWarrior

    I agree, more maps, more content, fixes are always good.
  17. Drsexxytime

    Well the game is in maint-mode at this point. Where it'll run until it runs itself into the ground. Or DBG makes planetside 3, which I'm not sure if DBG is in healthy enough position to do this? And if they do, not like they'll ask us what we think/want from PS3.

    There is SOO much CHEAP garbage in the game anymore it's incredible we put up with it. Invisi-quads mowing down infantry and maxes like grass, with nuking down tanks and sunderers in between. People said harassers were too strong, doing MBT work better than MBTs. So in order to fix this, they didn't do a thing to MBTs, or Harassers, instead buffed a stupid quad to be one of the cheapest, and most leathal vehicles in the game.

    Then the cheapest, dirtiest cash grab I've seen is a Pay-2-Win one-shot knife, that you're stealth class likes to use... balanced.

    Finally, we have loot boxes in this game, aka Implant boxes. Implants which certain ones seem game changing for those who have them. Yep. All RNG...

    They don't do a thing about hackers/glitchers/bots/aimbots/etc.

    They haven't addressed the issue of those players using "lag switches" yet, or just the fact that players with high ping cause a real mess in the game. It's almost like the game favors those people.

    Outside of the before mentioned, along with population imbalances, many times due to 4th factioners they REFUSE to fix, the game is really awesome. It's just overlooked and severely tarnished by those problems.
  18. customer548

    After 5 years, what is remaining on those forums ?
    From what I have seen, only remain vehicules users constantly arguing to death in a way like "Buff me and Nerf others". People who want PS2 to be a World of Tanks like. The main problem is that PS2 has always be a FPS. People play it like a FPS. How many people really want to bother with vehicules ? Less than 5% more or less. Most of players are here for Infantry only. Maybe it would nice to admit it.

    After that, you have the people arguing to death for buffing Maxes and automated turrets and Engi turrets. In order to make those more powerful and godlike (almost). They already are damn powerful. If you get killed in game, that's your own fault or due to a lack of teamplay. As long as you're alive in game while using those equipements, you can make easy kills.

    The main problems ATM are server latency and possibly hack-cheats issues (if those really exist). Like OP mentioned it, it would be nice to let Devs focus on those subjects of real interest.

    Vehicules imbalance ? Well, you get what you worked for. Constantly asking for Buffs, then for Nerfs then for Buffs then for Nerfs, blah blah blah... And honnestly, who cares ? PS2 is an Infantry based game.
  19. freeAmerish

    So you want to tell us, that around 95% never using a vehicle?
  20. adamts01

    This is absolutely ridiculous. Planetside has always been about combined arms, well before Planetside 2 was even a dream. Other games do infantry combat much, much better. It would be a mistake to neglect vehicles, they need to focus on what makes them unique, not try to be more like Battlefield or whatever.