We need to talk about region locks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Skraggz, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. Skraggz

    Emerald Is toxic trash atm with a new Outfit (on new accounts) abusing latency in the game. Straight logged off. Not playing against that, would sooner unsub and play other games.
  2. AlcyoneSerene

    I believe SOE never finished this game properly, leaving netcode exploiting and advantages wide open.

    Frustrating and non-competitive gameplay to face off against those who clearly have some sort of packet loss and unstable latency making them nearly invincible, untraceable (warping/teleporting), invisible around corners no matter your strategy of peeking or camping.

    A giant open world MMOFPS that never devised a system to account for player manipulated & unstable connection is a game half-unfinished at best.
    • Up x 1
  3. Comptonunhh

    You havent experienced latency abuse until you fight the Korean lag wizard horde on Connery, imagine, --you catch a unsuspecting vanu by surprise from behind, you open fire at less than 10 meters, this kill is yours, it's in the bag. BUT WAIT, WHATS THIS!? You aren't getting hitmarkers, despite visually seeing your rounds impact, you have spent 2/3 of your magazine, and done no damage, the vanu player opens fire, yet he has not turned, what wizardry! Hes firing out of his back!? You are now dead, it took only what appeared to be 3 shots, despite you knowing that's mathematically impossible. The death screen mockingly displays a big Korean flag and the name ChaewonEungyung, you've just been Korean vanu lag wizard'd
  4. Scatterblak

    SOE didn't write this game. It's a modification of FreeRealms - the SOE/PS2 group was just a group of modders.