we need to change friendly fire for running over players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illgot, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. illgot

    Too many times we have people in Lightnings and Harassers, even Sunderers mowing over herds of their own team mates to reach a building and repair. We need to either make it so these people either get weapon locks faster or stop instantly killing multiple people.

    I suggest that people who run over more than 1 person per 10 minute cycle get charged vehicle resources. If they run out of vehicle resources to pay the penalty for team killing, their vehicle blows up.

    Maybe this will force people to pay attention to where they are going instead of only caring about themselves.

    Or, just make running over friendly players impossible.

    Anything to stop the current issue (because I am running out of C4 to blow these bad drivers up).
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  2. VanuSovereignty

    Or they could switch the difficulty of running over friendlies versus enemies...
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  3. Sebastien

    Or people can get out of the way of vehicles.
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  4. Xhaleon

    Or people could try remembering what their mommy told them:

    "Look both ways before crossing the road".
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  5. EliteEskimo

    Or they could just trade the current ally and enemy roadkill mechanics with each other. Seriously it's way easier to kill an ally with a vehicle compared to an enemy. If I could appreciate this change with my Prowler I know Magriders will even more lol.:D
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  6. cfnz

    What are the potential ramifications of this change?

    I'd be hesitant to increase penalties since clueless infantry are often just as responsible for road kill problems as clueless vehicle drivers.
  7. Tommyp2006

    Sorry, my vehicle costs resources, and has more killing power than you do on foot. I'm not going to pay you any mind when trying to save my vehicle. You should not be standing anywhere near my vehicle while I'm in combat. Once I had damn near an entire squad literally standing on top of my lightning using it as a stepping stool to shoot over a ledge. Meanwhile, I was stuck in a corner unable to move because it would TK them. Guess what, that whole squad died for their stupidity.

    Now, If I'm moving from base to base or something, that's different, I try not to run over teammates. But if I'm under heavy AT fire, I'm not going to hesitate to go where I need to to survive.
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  8. XRIST0

    Infantry are more important , it doesnt matter where you stand sometimes some idiot will manage to run you over .

    Why do tank drivers act so entitled ? they do nothing for the game except pad their k/d ratio . Get out of your tanks and play the objective for once , maybe get run over a few times to feel what its like .
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  9. TWolfJaeger

    That cuts both ways. Too often am I stopped by Little Billy Blueberry sprinting out into the middle of the freakin' road while I'm at the head of an armor column, or rolling around a contested techplant, getting shot from infantry on the garage catwalks, and trying to duck my vehicle into cover only to have some bumbling friendly MAX decide that right then is the appropriate moment for him to pop his charge and come stumbling out of cover onto the road.

    Or coming down the valley from The Palisade and getting, not kidding, stuck on the defilade beside the road for five. frikken. minutes. because infantry will not hold up for ten seconds so I can get down the hill to hit the two anchored Prowlers from behind, that haven't noticed me twenty meters away.

    These are only examples that completely stand out in what has been my experience with driving vehicles around infantry so far. Infantry plain don't know how to act.

    Here's a pop quiz; if a friendly tank is firing off rounds, starts smoking, and suddenly floors it in reverse, why do you think it's okay to stand directly behind it?

    I wish I knew the answer to that question, because it happens at least three or four times a day, without fail.

    Vehicles are already penalized; I've been weapon locked quite by accident because I was just the wrong driver on the wrong road at the wrong time when six people decided to jump out in front of my Sunderer at Northern Weigh Station.

    Infantry needs to brush up on their danger areas. Don't stand directly behind or in front of vehicles. Don't cross roads without looking. Stuff you should have learned when you were a small child.
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  10. VSDerp

    i don't think you can get out the way when a mag uses magburner.
  11. illgot

    and once I see this I will grab my LA and blow up your vehicle. Then when I see you in another vehicle, I will blow that up and continue until you either weapon lock and sit there or run out of resources. I have already done it to other entitled jackholes.

    People like the above are more dangerous to the team as a whole than the enemy.
  12. Xhaleon

    If they are trying to fight their way into the base in the first place, then the tanks have right of way. It depends on the situation.
    I find it more likely that enemy Harassers are the ones doing the roadkills when inside a base, not the tanks on my own side. Most people getting run over easily like that are not exactly "playing for the objective", and are getting in the way of where vehicles ought to be in order to support the assault.

    The tanks that are in the wrong places and erroneously running over people tend to be C4 bait anyway.
  13. Pikachu

    I move really slowly with my flash hoping velocity affects damage when it's crowded by team mates, yet I get warnings for killing too many friendlies. When I use turbo to drive right into an enemy he rarely dies. It takes 2 attempts. It's like vehicle collision does half damage to enemies.

    Another big issue is collision between flashes and anything bigger. Whenever something hits the flash from behind it takes damage super fast and explodes as if it was being crushed. What should happen is that the flash simply gets pushed forward.
  14. TribbleFluffer

    whos faster? a speeding tank whos got the pedal to the metal or a human whose running?
    see there, i just made your post look really stupid.
    furthermore, there are times where a zerg rolls though and there isnt anywhere to get out of the way, and instead of waiting these @holes just mow you down instead of trying to stop, or trying to avoid you, they dont care. and i agree with illgot, i too am running out of C4 for these idiots.
    if your under fire, sure, i forgive you for running me over. but if im jogging down the side of a road and you aim for me and road pizza me without stopping or even slowing, your getting c4 tapped to your *zz
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  15. ItsJustDash

    OMG THIS X10000
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  16. Morchai

    I try not to hit anyone I see, but some idiots think a good place to stand in a firefight is behind a tank where the driver can't see them, even though they should know tanks often have to back into cover.

    I wondered if enemies were harder to kill than allies by running them over, because I've had several survive my attempts to run them over.

    I do wonder what's up with sundie drivers, though. They are the worlds worst about plowing through everything, even other vehicles. I've had my tank rammed, shoved aside and knocked off the road by sundies more times than I can count. Often avoiding the temptation to plant a shell up their backside is very difficult to resist, but I've been successful so far.
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  17. Nhilys

    And you aren't entitled or dangerous or stupid or petty, right?
    "Hey let's waste my time, my and some random friendly ressources because I got ran over once, I'm totally not doing it because I have an ego the size of a mountain, I'm just doing it because I'm right."
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  18. Tommyp2006

    why would you be standing anywhere near a tank in combat? You should know he will be trying to dodge shots.
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  19. Sebastien

    You don't see people running down the Highway.
    That's beside the point. When a tank starts getting damaged heavily, it needs to get out of the way quickly. They cost 450 Resources, your life costs ZERO.
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  20. Tommyp2006

    It's like running across a highway. The car cannot stop fast enough due to too much mass. Sometimes, people just don't look before they cross the road. I've been guilty of it myself, but I don't get mad about it, because I didn't look, and the vehicle driver cannot stop fast enough once I enter his FOV. Now that's not to say it isn't sometimes the drivers fault, if you are running along the side of the road, the driver should do his best to either stop or avoid you. I try my best to keep from running over infantry when possible, but there's a difference between in the heat of combat, and driving down the road.

    C4ing or tank mining a friendly vehicle should be an INSTANT weapons lock, because you cannot do it on accident, unlike running over friendlies, or hitting them with a few stray bullets.
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