We need MOAR certs...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgerbomb, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Badgerbomb

    I have put a long of time and effort into yhis game and im surprisingly still not bored, yet there is something that drives me nuts.. And that is that it takes ABSOLUTELY FOREVAA to get certs for upgrades and weapons. i know that you get a certain ammount of certs when levelling up until your are BR15 but what about after that? You get stuck in a LONG LONG grinding cycle and it takes ages to upgrade your suit and utility slots as they become very expensive at rank 4/5. C4 is already very expensive and it drives me nuts that i cant use it because im still working to max out nanoweave for my infil. I know that allowing you to pay real money in exchange for certs would surely ruin the game but something as simple as allowing you to get more certs from levelling up would make the whole thing more enjoyable. I know that boosts exist but those are temporary and you have to pay for them...

    Anyone agree with me? If so then do you have any ideas to make getting certs more enjoyable?
  2. Stormsinger

    Subscribe: Support the game, and you gain certs at a much more enjoyable rate.
  3. Badgerbomb

    I will gladly subscribe when i have a more 'sustainable' money gathering system, aka a job. But again, what about the people whos parents won't subscribe? Or simply people who don't want to pay?
  4. Villanuk

    I DO agree as a non member its a very hard grind and i think that puts off a lot of FREE players, but hey they are playing a game for free so you cant have everything. The game as it is, is a taster but then people are put off from the cost per month more so as you cant just pick up guns etc, you have to cert for them or pay for them.

    Even as a member its still to much of a grind, hence why players C4 your sunny to cert ***** for themselves, or shoot you so they can take a generator etc.

    I think their should be a greater reward of certs for taking bases against all odds ( defending ) and more so for the time you were at the base.

    If you wont more certs, get a sunny in a zerg big battle, one of the stalemate battles are even better, repair is best, deploy if possible and watch the certs fly in, also playing medic or engi at the same time, giving the icing onto the cake.
  5. Stormsinger

    Unfortunately, there's not all that much you can do beyond continue grinding. Go for the best cert farming options first (Proximity Repair sunderer, res grenades and bandolier for medic, medic tool upgrades, engineer repair tool upgrades ) - you won't be gaining certs like mad, but you will be gaining them at an appreciable rate.

    People whose parents won't subscribe: If you have any cash, you can go to walgreens / walmart and get a visa gift card, attach it to a paypal account, and essentially use cash to pay for your subscription, that's what I used to do for Everquest back in the 90s. Use whatever your allowance is, or go cut someone's grass shovel and get 2 months worth of subscription for an hour or so of work.

    People that don't want to pay: Be happy that the game is free, you get what you pay for - when you pay nothing, lower your expectations, and be happy that the game is essentially P2W free. You can compete on the same level as paying customers, it just takes you extra time farming.

    You are paying the salary of the people who maintain the game, create updates, etc - they do this for a living. If it was entirely free, it would cease to exist in short order.
  6. Stormsinger

    There used to be a bonus of certs for logging on for members AND non-members. I dislike that they removed it for non-members, it was a nice bonus to keep people coming back.
    • Up x 1
  7. Villanuk

    Agreed, good point that.
  8. DirArtillerySupport

    My repair bus paid for EVERYTHING...except the horn.
  9. johnway

    Agreed. that gave me reason to keep coming back and the free 84 certs a week helped ease the pain.

    If you thought that certs was difficult or slow, you should have seen it back at the start. Prices were really high, no medals/ribbons for extra certs and no alerts.

    I've never really get much certs. At most, i get maybe 50 certs in 1 hour session but that's using all the ribbons and such. After that initial hour its diminishing returns unless it was a farming situation during an alert.

    For the most part, i buy the cheapest or the most essential stuff. Rank 5 stuff is generally worthless as its diminishing returns (except for the max aura shield or healing that is affordable and essential). Nice to have, but hardly essential. generally i main a few classes namely the HA (absolutely essential for general play), medic and engineers (useful and handy cert gains).

    The other part of upgrades is to be selective in what you want. 1000 cert weapons/upgrades are off the table. Any upgrades i could live without like carrying extra ammunition can be ignored with engineers and sunderers around. i generally go for more flexible weapons that works at all ranges. So shotguns and smgs i generally ignore (if you really wanted a shotgun you get one for free) Specialist kit like claymores /AI mines although handy, on the grand scheme of things aren't useful. Maybe to stop the odd infiltrator or lone scout, but with multiple squads usually with medics its a minor distraction at best.

    generally i don't spend much when it comes to certs, at the moment i'm sitting on 9100 certs and there have been occasions where i've hit the 10000 mark and not noticed, so i lost some 10-30 certs before its too late. That always hurts. But i usually cringe at purchasing 1000 cert weapons or armor. I haven't invested any certs in vehicles ground or air as i'm generally hopeless with them and many times they're steel coffins.
  10. sebastian oscar post

    well when the ANT comes out, be a trucker and get a nice paycheck.;)