We need a big refresh...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShotMeTender, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. ShotMeTender

    .... By a few months ago, playing has become kinda boring, always the same weapons mechanics on the same damned maps (which are actually a copy one of the other, same rooms and platforms).....

    I suggest to Devs a couple of things which could help to improve/renew our game time.....

    First of all u really would like to change old weapons such as burst ones in something more suitable to the actual gameplay... These weapons became obsolete and almost useless, really no accuracy for a 3 round burst weapon, high recoil and above all a pretty nonsensed low damage. Please get these baby a little revamp asap, as well as many other weapons like 250 cert CQB concept weapons (just a lot of rate, nothing interesting at the moment).

    In a second time u should consider to really change the maps, i mean outpost on oldest continents, and i reallt mean CHANGE, towers specially are the same copy of ech other, this is not a great feature in my opinion.

    Just finishing, be conscious that damage are meant to KILL the opponent not to drop his shield then perhaps kill him on a lucky shot, we really need a more realistic damage feedback (didn't mean a completely realistic damage, this is obvious, but just improve effectiveness at specific weapon range.)

    And by the might of all gods, give that dammit High Speed Cell a suitable speed improve, something better than 30Km/H.....
  2. FateJH

    I thought you were going to suggest we ban all existing accounts.

    "High Speed Cell?"
  3. Ballto21

    I took a monthish break and everythings more fun now. just diversify your gaming to end monotony
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  4. Tommyp2006

    I can only assume that me means racer chassis/frame, otherwise I'm just as lost as you are.
  5. gamespyer0350

    Were never getting base change, its too late for the game in that

    No one knows what coil your talking about

    The Burst weapons just got a huge buff and could be considered OP, yea, OverPowered.

    Shots dont kill people, many shots kill people. Unless you are a sniper, and can headshot. ****posters prob cant headshot. Try it sometime

    is the game boring? Eh, without a solid group of people to play it and your able to get past the minor reptitiveness its boring as ehll, but i still love this game to death and couldnt ever call it boring. take a break, go play some other ****** game and then realize how good this one is.
  6. Beerbeerbeer

    I actually had a lot of fun fighting in bases near the warp gate because they were different, but it just rarely happens.

    First off, I think the lattice system is great, but it does have unintended consequences of people fighting in the same few bases over and over again. It doesn't matter which faction you play, you always end up playing tug-o-war near the same areas.

    I think periodic changes to the lattice system would be great, heck, high-frequency changes (monthly?) if it's logistically feasible, just so we can fight over different areas.

    Fundamentally speaking, the static warp gates are the Achilles heal of the system in regards to the underutilized bases near them. Not sure how they could change this without a major revamp.

    Maybe move the warp gates to the center edges of each map and create a neutral warp gate that is capturable on the lone remaining edge by maybe capturing the center base? Just a hair-brain idea to maximize variety in base engagements.

    Or, get rid of the warp gates entirely if it's feasible.
  7. nuclearunicorn

    I was thinking the other day that it would be cool to have a few different balanced lattice lines per continent and these could be switched during live gameplay by some kind of player controlled event.
  8. Joexer

    First good post of yours ive seen in a while.
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  9. Konstantinn

    No more changes to bases. Shuffling around bases is like 90% of what has been done over last 2.5 years instead of any real content (Hossin excluded, that and few new vehicles/weapons is the remaining 10%.... the rest was shuffling bases and balance tweaks + PS4 that I'll never play myself and will never meet or play with/against people that play it).

    Tired of empty patches with nothing to be excited about. Have to disagree with OP on just about everything.

    Burst weapons are actually quite good now, there was a post with good video walkthrough someone using burst weapon just a day or 2 ago.
  10. DeadlyPeanutt


    I like the fact that many bases are constructed the same way with the same buildings. Standardization makes sense from a military standpoint, and from a play standpoint, non standard bases suck... they're very confusing and hard to navigate. For instance, I won't play Hossen unless there's an alert there, because the bases are mostly non standard.