We have the water texture, why not rain ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Akeita, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. Akeita

    Or even snow storms... Imagine a pitch black battle field that REQUIRE a flash light in order to actually see Infiltrators and those OP VS camo, the sounds of rains hitting the roof, waters covered a sniper's scopes.... I wonder if this is even possible in PS2 :(
  2. Goden

    What little water there is looks like a bad photoshop filter and it's flowing backwards.

    No seroiusly, there are waterfalls and creeks that are flowing backwards.
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  3. johnway

    it would be cool, but i suspect technical issues will be invovled. Would be interesting mechanic. storms causing low visiblity or maybe impacting bullets or ESF or something. I wouldn't mind seeing Hossin have some toxic cloud come into play and everyone has to seek shelter before it hits and anyone caught out in the open or from safe zones dies. Sort of like the blow outs in STALKER.
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  4. Pikachu

    To main rainy weather you need to change the sky also to make it all cloudy. The water we have is very low quality. P*ss poor splash effect, if any. Strange fast moving reflections.
  5. Akeita

    Actually, there's a nice, small lake near chimney's bridge, between tumas skylance and heyoka chemical, I enjoy watching and shooting just to see the water flying up and down... Compare to how this game is 3 months ago, this is pretty good..
  6. Solidpew

    I wanna know- have you ever seen the rain?
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  7. Latrodectus

    They're flowing towards the nanites.
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  8. Regpuppy

    The biggest reason is performance hits. People are already struggling with so many players on screen in any average battle. Just imagine this with performance-eating weather effects in the mix.

    Also, hah
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  9. Bvenged

    It wouldn't even be a physical property; it would literally be a client-side effect.

    I would encourage SOE invests into weather effects, but only once they optimise the GPU some more.
  10. Wyll

    My graphic card would weep if it rained/snowed in PS2.
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  11. IamDH

    I notice a small FPS drop standing in those tiny lakes and even more when i shoot into them. Doing this on a large scale would probably kill FPS noticably
  12. LibertyRevolution

    I think most of us would turn them off in the options anyways...
  13. z1967

    Rain and weather are usually computed in the GPU or in the CPU if it doesn't use right type of GPU graphics (like Nvidia and their PhysX). Most systems would cry, say **** it, and either crash or burn up trying to render it. Particles are expensive on performance, too. My plebian rig (~$600 that I bought nearly a year ago) would cry if it so much as even considered running those types of graphics. They would have to be optional and of course that ruins the point of putting them in, in the first place.
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  14. Icedude94

    It would make cloaked infiltrators a heck of a lot easier for me to see.
  15. Stormsinger

    Have you SEEN how durable Auraxian flora is? Have you ever wondered why there isnt any form of animal life remaining on Auraxis? This is why, it rains rarely... but when it does, it's nothing short of an apocalypse.
  16. Corporate Thug

    As it is now the water in Super Contra plays a bigger part of the gameplay than it does in PS2.

    Edit: It won't allow me to link the video to a specific time, but it starts at 5:16
  17. Pikachu

    Weather if ever would be planned after the current and archived roadmap have been carried out.
  18. DooDooBreff

    really... why not just have still water,

    seems like on auraxis water flows uphill, and at a very fast pace. must have let the gamespot intern code the water
  19. IamDH

    An option would be cool but it would sort of ruin the point of weather if it doesnt affect you at all. They didnt go with dark nights, under the same basis i think we can assume they wont go with weather
  20. Phyr

    As cool as it would be, anything that could reduce performance, or even hinder the players ability to see, is strictly on a "No" basis. This engine could do so much, if only we got rid of all those pesky players.