Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by elkikko92, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. elkikko92

    isnt it?
    More freedom and tactical system please
  2. breeje

    believe me, we need a lattice system
    i have been playing from the beginning of this game where there was no lattice system and we where back capt every time
    we constantly needed to jump back to a base who was capt by some infills

    for the lattice system we have now, well no mater how you change it there will always be someone complaining about it
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  3. pnkdth

    Unfortunately without the lattice you'll get zergs avoiding each other and ghost caps.

    Dynamic lattice could be something interesting, i.e. the lattice links changes depending on conditions in the base captured.
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  4. elkikko92

    I meen a hybrid system:
    Macro lattice only to the main bases (facilities and big outposts)
  5. DeadlyOmen

    Gaming stepped back 10 years when lattice was put into PS2.

    The forumites never noticed.
  6. Demigan

    The lattice is infinitely better than the hex system. Hex system had the tactical availability of a wet paper bag: anything you did could easily be countered by a few people whos tactic was "hope no one comes back". Attacks were almost impossible to stop since if you mounted an effective defence, the attackers could attack another base with ease, often spreading out, seeing which base was the least defended, thwn converge and crush it, then move on. "strageticalky capturing large facilities" consisted out of getting a zerg going and stampeding straight through enemy territory till you got there.

    They did do a test with facilities linked and the hex system for linked facilities, but it didnt work. Ghost cap heaven again.

    Lattice system can easily be expanded. Allow the construction system to create lattice links for example. That gives you a full range of tactical abilities without the ghoat-cap problem.
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  7. TR5L4Y3R

    who´s we?
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  8. DarkStarAnubis

    I have started playing PS2 this year and I have no idea about the past, but the lattice system seems to me just a band-aid because bases are designed in such a poor way that a single stalker infiltrator can force tens of defenders to chase him around a giant power or a bio-lab plant full of locations where someone can hide. It is utterly stupid.

    So to limit the frustration the game narrows down artificially the locations that can be attacked, but it is the base design that sucks in the first place.
  9. TR5L4Y3R

    if you think that´s bad then you don´t want to know how bad it was back then were infills went just to close to warpgatebases to get quick vpboosts let alone the ammount of disruption they were able to cause ...
    the laticesystem may not be perfect but it stopped some realy horrible BS ..
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  10. FieldMarshall

    24/7 crown and ghostcap zergs. No thanks
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  11. DeadlyOmen

    The ghost of BH Liddel Hart observes...with a wry smile and perhaps a hint of ennui.
  12. Kristan

    sucks to be you
  13. DeadlyOmen

    One of the great tragedies of lattice lies in the thing PS does best.

    Look at the map. Count all of the places where a lattice line does not exist from base to base. There will never be a battle there.

    Now, allow me to return to hours of spamming a biolab door because there's no way around.
  14. TR5L4Y3R

    ... not yet at least .. so i´m intrested in how the new PCB biolabs will be once live ...
  15. OldMaster80

    YOU hate lattice system. And you come back with a reminder every now and then.

    It's ok, we know it's not the best system in the world. But it's 10.000 times better than the hex map.

    The lattice basically limits the battle flow paths so that the frontline does not explode into dozens micro fights. It's what people (besides you) wanted. Running after ghost caps, going back resecure a base you had captured 5 minutes before just because ONE lone wolf was capping again... That was painful, not fun.

    The point is how to make the system more tactical. The way to go is not removing the lanes, it's making resources matter so that players stop spamming vehicles, limit redeploy so logistics find a place, and maybe add some kind of Supreme Commander role.
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  16. DeadlyOmen

    Lattice is a re-named shoebox.

    Shoebox shooters were cool in 1994. Not so much now.
  17. Pikachu

    But only 4 shooters have been non-shoebox so far.
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  18. DeadlyOmen

    PS2 used to be. That's what drew me in back in the day.

    Which are those anyway? Eve comes to mind... perhaps H1Z1...
  19. Pikachu

    PS2, PS1, Heroes & Generals and some obscure old game that Total Biscuit mentioned in a video long ago. Eternal Crusade didn't go very well. :L

    Random parrot
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  20. DeadlyOmen

    Battleground Europe may be as well. Graphics blow, but the project is ambitious.