WDS: Scoring system is basically "in order to win, you need to lose first"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Huishe, Oct 17, 2013.

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  1. Huishe

    So now SOE changed scoring system AGAIN and then added another week on top of that. That means TR is losing forumside.

    Alright, let's fight back.

    What exactly is the bonus against "seasonal" leader? What the season is, exactly? A week? A whole season? A day?

    If that's a day, that'd be all fine for me, it'd be fun. But i have a feeling season != day.

    If that's a week, it gets a bit weirder. I mean, okay, so the logical tactic is to lose one week and then attack the winning faction on the second week, it gives a faction more points for working like pendulum than for just actually winning all the way.

    But worst of all, i think it's the actual "alltime" leader that counts. No matter what a leader does now, losing factions WILL catch up and become a winning faction, and THEN now losing factions will NO MATTER WHAT overtake their lead and... Basically, to win you need to get lucky and be a loser just some days, maybe a week, before season ends.

    What's the point, again?

    After first rule change, it seemed to work well. I mean, VS were getting more points than TR on many occastions and i have no idea how they lost week 4, last time i checked they were winning. NC is another story, as always, they manage to lose even now, but hey, it's NC. Alright, SOE, you fixed that... and then you've broken it again. Good job, how about reverting changes? But what angers me most is extra week on top of that. Why don't you just reboot the whole thing altogether? Or end one season, which was actually preseason, and open up another one, "fair" from the start? I understand the need to get most vocal part of forumside happier, but seriously, why pick sides?
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  2. Liquid23

    they should have dropped the +50% loser bonus, implemented the other changes to take into account pop and opposition differences... then just wiped the season scores so we all started fresh and even
  3. Badname707

    Is this really much different than how most alerts are?
  4. Huishe

    Not sure what you mean. When alerts happen, actual victory (or defeat) doesn't get modified in any way, just some exp bonus is, maybe.
  5. Badname707

    Right, but the team leading at half is irrelevant if the fight is even. Even if the lead is significant, unless the other two factions don't focus on the leading team, that team will probably lose.

    With WDS they had to do it, or they had to start it over. TR would have certainly won without the changes.
  6. Huishe

    Well, what you describe depends on actual humans and their strategies, i don't mind that. But imagine if losing teams were getting, say, free biolabs on alerts from time to time. That would suck.
  7. Liquid23

    well now all the 4th faction has to do to decide who wins the week is wait to switch to said empire till Sunday evening... at least now they can play their main all week and still grab the win so it's better for them I suppose

    I personally can't wait for the rage and tears that will come once people pull their head out of their *** and realize just how much easier and with less effort this can be abused
  8. Jachim

    Maybe because they deserve to win? Ever thought of that? **** your Forumside politics for a moment and just think.
  9. Badname707

    Maybe because the TR was written to win from the start? There was never any competition. You already know though.
  10. Liquid23

    and there is still none now...
  11. Badname707

    So why ***** about it? Everybody knows that. What difference does it make?
  12. Liquid23

    meh i suppose that is a point... it will be funny now to see how the "WDS proves faction is OP/UP" crowd will deal with this considering how much it's gonna waffle back and fourth
  13. Badname707

    I wonder how many are going to see the scores and walk away thinking it's all balanced.
  14. Liquid23

    that's easy... none...

    they will just ignore them and point to something else
  15. HadesR

  16. iMartyr

    Everybody gets a participation prize now!
    The forumsides rejoice for their e-victory.
    • Up x 1
  17. Aegie

    Deserve? What does this mean in this context?
  18. Aegie

    Whatever, the whole thing is one big farce- from being able to play any faction and thereby win to now when, of course, you can still win by playing whatever winning faction the only difference being that the "scores" are so convoluted they have no meaning.


    I could have shown them a much easier way to get the appearance of balanced scores than the wackiness they are using- sum all scores, divide by three, subtract 1 point from one faction at random and give that 1 point to a third faction at random = the appearance of a close, balanced, fair fight without having to do any of the actual work to try and make the game more balanced.
  19. Xae


    People cried like it was the end of the world when they were losing. Now they are upset Sony just said "**** it, make everyone a winner"?
  20. DG-MOD-02

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