WDS Preseason and Upcoming Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malorn, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. vorax2012

    When I first read this I assumed alerts other than territory control would be made redundant by the WDS, and later on, continent locking. This is because it's very hard to balance victory scores for overpop when there are a very discrete number of bases to fight over e.g. 3 biolabs. It's true alert xp places a lot of emphasis on alerts; if the alert goals are in tune with WDS they will similarly be immune to pop imbalance.
  2. Roadwarrior82

    WDS Week 4 -> TR
    WDS Week 5 -> TR
    WDS Week 6 -> TR
    WDS Week 7 -> TR
    WDS Week 8 -> TR
    WDS Week 9 -> TR
    WDS Week 10 -> TR

    Nothing to see here. Just move on.

    SOE: You can close this thread now and move all TR up to BR100 instantly.
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  3. Zok

    step 1: LOCK faction switching, dont care how just do it. Put a timer on it like they do for vehicles... once you log into your fourth faction character you cant log into your opposite factions on that given server for 24 hours.
    step 2: Give more content such as but not limited to "CAVES" they are small war zones, shouldnt take long as hossin has, given they work on it rather than SC items. Any one that pisses themselves whining about being low pop can go fight there, any faction that caps a cave will get benefits to empower them and balance out the population issue.
    step 3: use common sense when developing. If people are complaining about being steamrolled, dont give them a lollipop of xp gain, because generally your xp gain is not worth it considering its not fun farming factions from just outside your wg. Give them an option to surgically cripple supply lines or something that makes sense rather than something that just says "HERE shut up and eat your ice cream"

    DO some work... and it will fall into place.
  4. PapaMojo

    And the winner of week 4 is.....TR!

    Um, VS seemed to have the points to win though.....*shrug*. I guess it's cumulative?
  5. OU7CAS7

    I too would like to know why the TR won, as I'm almost 100% sure that the VS were leading at the end of Week #4 (for Week #4 only). If they didn't make a mistake, perhaps the devs need to clarify or even review how the points system works from week to week.
  6. PapaMojo

    Apparently TR made a late nite comeback at the last minute. Won by a slim margin (I've heard 300 pts as a number)
  7. Hotel88A

    But of course they did.
  8. [HH]Mered4

    Malom, you have risen to a new state of earthly rapture, higher than returning from a bachelor trip to Seychelles single:

    You have actually spoken with the community. And asked us serious questions. Given us honest answers. Not to in-depth of course. But MUCH more than "Great job on the ideas! Keep it coming!"

  9. [HH]Mered4

    I like your signature :) Do you play Vanu? :p
  10. Malorn

    Hello everyone!

    The new WDS scoring system is here, and we’ve decided to extend the World Domination Series Preseason by one week to give you more time to try out the changes! These new scoring rules are expected to have a much higher point potential than the previous scoring system, so the Preseason is still any Empire’s game. You now have until 10/28 at 12 AM PDT to earn points for domination.

    These improvements are a direct result of the player feedback we’ve received over the course of the event, so let us know what you think. We want to ensure that the next season is fair and robust in its scoring.

    For details on the scoring changes that are now live, please see these release notes.

    I have updated the original post in this thread to reflect that status of each scoring feature and what the current values are.
  11. Ash87

    I'm giving it 2 days before someone gets upset about the fact that their vastly overpopped faction lost, because they earned something like 15 points on 15 captures.

    Question though, with the Hold so you get say, 20 XP for holding a base for an hour... that is modified real time by the continent wide balance at the top of the hour, or is it averaged for the whole hour?
  12. Malorn

    Hold points are currently awarded exactly 1 hour after the facility was captured, and every hour thereafter. It is no longer top-of-hour. Difficulty is affected by population at the time of the hold tick. Tick time can be seen in the region info panel if you mouseover a region.
  13. Reaver027

    Well you accomplished what you set out to do. Make sure the TR does not win the WDS. The chnages pretty much handed to win to the one of the other two empires.
    While i agree the old method was much in favor of the TR because of the pop adavantage on some servers. It is now the opposit and the new scoring system invalidates the first 4 weeks. The score advantage will be gone by the end of the week and since the whole thing got extended i am sure TR will come in last now.
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  14. DrBash00

    I totaly agree with Reaver027, the Overpopulation guarantet the Win for the TR, and this was not good.
    And right now, you are just handing over the Win to one of the other Factions, because the Punishment for having +10% pop is so hard, we would need to take a lot of territory, and if we have some balanced fights, where the same Base is getting cappet, and re- capet all the time... TR is just the big looser, because of the new Rating. (abd 10% more Population, can also lead into beeing outnumbered, when VS and NC are mainly targeting TR, like they love to do)

    So right now you expect the TR, witch is mainly a mass of Randoms and Kiddies to hold more then all the other Factions with only ~10% more pop? (Problem of holding a lot of territorys is, you have much oppoturnetys for the enemy to attack)...
    So now for 4 weeks the vs and nc cryed all the time... and now you turn the game to the opposit and hand the victory over to another Empire??

    I just hope at least some kiddies will join the NC and the VS when they see they are the "winning" empires, because finally when we are on equal Numbers we can beat them up and get our Reward.

    I know it is very hard to find a good and Fair Rating, but its not my Fault so many kiddies are joining TR, so plz. dont punish TR for having high Population.

    Better give VS and NC higher EXP bonuses ore something, so hard fights will pay off better for them!
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  15. DerpMode

    So let me get this straight. The new WDS scoring is formulated as in : TerritoryValue + (TerritoryValue X .1~1) depending on the most populated faction on continent, including a Joker Card of extra 50% which can be calculated as :
    (TerVal X 1.50) + (TerVal X .1~1)
    [TerVal + (TerVal X 0.1~1)] X 1.50 ;

    ... after 4 weeks of TR having the lead? OK I know, you know and most likely everyone knows that TR won because of pop, but I don't see the reason behind adding such a pretty big variable type formula so late into the pre-season (to what I'm not sure) when you knew TR had the lead. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that NC and VS will mooch off this pretty convenient new system of extra 50% more points because TR has 90k seasonal lead points. It doesn't say anywhere that Esamir and Amerish are excluded from this rule therefor increasing the usage of overnight ghostcapping by NC and VS but simply removing the usage for TR to do it because if the lack of points and, lets not forget, TR recapping and loosing the territory again means and extra 50% points from that hex.

    So brilliant, it's like it gave my already slim hope of actual balance a gun with a single bullet.

    Edit: Maybe this system would work better at a fresh season or some new WDS pre-season thing when the leaderboard has a fast changeable position because of the extra 50% rule. The new scoring itself is, more or less, untestable because of the late implementation and it only shows now that the closest contender can simply wipe 4 weeks of gap in a single week (don't tell me that 90k points will last long at this rate).
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  16. bobek388

    If you wanted to change the scoring system you should do it in the new season. Right now it is unfair to the TR because we had the most points, season was supposed to end this week and we were supposed to win but we won't because other factions have a huge bonus for capturing anything so we will lose.
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  17. Ash87

    I should have made it, 2 hours, not 2 days.

    Honestly folks, there are some things to keep in mind:
    1.) We just got handed 3, free 3 day boosts. That has got to count for something... that is 3 weekends you can apply your boost and get a Ton of XP.
    2.) You have proved that the WDS means something to players, and that it could be a adequate motivating factor, by posting your displeasure with the changes to scoring scale... which is what the WDS was introduced to do
    3.) Seeing #2, consider that the entire reason that overpop exists is so that people can get some kind of reward right (More people, easier XP gain). Now, reapply this to the WDS. People now have real time feedback on how their faction is doing. This will contribute (Albeit negatively) to people having more incentive to start balancing out pop more often. Why would you stick with the overpopped group who gets less XP and less points (Thus less of a chance of getting a free boost) in the WDS... when you could join the vastly underpopped group who will more than likely get that free XP boost (Which costs a few bucks IRL money to get otherwise).

    No, this wont FIX pop balance, but the fact that people are upset means that it does have the capacity to contribute to fixing that balance. Fixing pop balance (1 of 3 large IG issues currently) is going to require many things to be in place to incentivize people to stick with one faction... and not cause wild shifts in server population day to day. This is going to play a part in that.

    Also consider this: the WDS #1 was designed as a test bed for future events... we screwed the VS and the NC pretty hard for 3 straight weeks. In 1 day... seriously, go look at Miller, they had TR pop most of the day, and they are behind the VS bad on WDS score, this proved that the new scoring system undoes the population imbalance benefit to the WDS.
  18. Reaver027

    No it is not a fair game anymore. Overpop will get sanctioned so hard that it is better not to log on if you want to help your empire.
    And since the TR won the first 4 weeks and got a good point lead the VS and NC now get bonus points for about a week so they can play catch up. You know that thing they call rubberbanding in racing games.

    And i do not care about the boosts. Everyone in their right mind would have these boost at least after the first week.
    I just care about the decal and the title and now that is out of my reach.
    Best they could have done is let this season end give everyone the title and the decal and start a new fresh season with the new changes.
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  19. Ash87

    ...So the first few weeks, where the TR built up a score of 1,090,000 Points, that beats out the next highest score by 82,000 points, by the sheer weight of bodies that the TR had available to them was fair to the other 2 factions?
  20. M4L4CH1TE

    Be nice if we could have another double-xp and/or double-SC weekend sometime.