Waterson - This CANNOT CONTINUE!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeathTollDavid, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. DeathTollDavid

  2. IBleedblueyellow

    we still win most alerts
  3. Gustavo M

  4. Morti

  5. GrampaVanu

  6. CaptainYamerica

    During a continent control alert the population of whatever continent it is typically looks like that. Still doesn't matter when TR had 50% of the pop on one of the other conts. during the alert. TR STILL have the overall numbers regardless. As soon as the alert ended, TR and NC both began to pull out in droves and VS began to ezmode cap along the west/southwest region of Esamir.

    It almost seems like no one cares about having decent fights like this unless an alert is on.
  7. IBleedblueyellow

    i love your tienamin sig =)
  8. Morti

    :D thanks, shopped it myself
  9. Phrygen
