Waterson NC: NC Command meeting 9/13 8PM EST

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname707, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. gnometheft

  2. CaligoIllioneus

    Well done today on the alert. It was quite close...we were winning and idk what happened at the end, we lost some territory quick :/

    Anyways congrats :p
    • Up x 1
  3. Brasileiro

    :eek: yes! bump this shiz for Waterson NC! :D PHX represent, glad to hear this is happening.
    I hope many (all) outfits represent :cool:
  4. MrFURB

    As Waterson TR, I'm more than happy to see the NC getting up and at 'em! G'luck, and be sure to throw some curve balls for us to shoot at!
  5. Badname707

    Alright guys, we're about a day away from the meet. Here's a list of who we've got so far

    Personally confirmed:
    Probably present, but not confirmed:
    Contacted, but need follow up:
    No contact:
    I could use some help getting in contact with the outfits listed at the bottom. If anyone knows these guys personally, I'd appreciate it if they would drop a line.

    Also, if someone could bump this around 3 EST or so, that would also be swell.
  6. Lamat

    LNGB will try to be there. I PMed you.
  7. Badname707

    3 O'clock bump. LNGB and NCSO are going to be joining the party! Still almost a dozen outfits that I would like to hear from. Be sure you drop me a line or post to the website before friday so you can get the TS info!
  8. Brayton

    Oh thank God. I kept putting off talking to Blackweb about this.
  9. Badname707

    I still need a confirmation from Blackweb or some other officer. He said he'd be there when I spoke to him, but I think I just directed him towards the website (no PHX has posted yet) and didn't give him the TS details. If you're able, make sure they stop by.
  10. Izo

    Sending PM, representing NCSO.
  11. Badname707

    Alright, less than a day away. If you haven't signed up or checked in yet, now would be the time!
  12. Gamliel

  13. ovakin

  14. Badname707

    3 more hours! Last call.
  15. Czuuk

    We'll be there.
  16. Lamat

    Will this be using in game chat by creating a squad?
  17. Badname707

    Meeting in half an hour! I hope to see everyone there!

    BLUE, RNC6, PHX, SET, and DVS are here ************ away, so feel free to join us for the pre-game!
  18. RHINO_Mk.II

    Sent you a PM.
  19. DJPenguin

    Expecting good things. Don't let me down now.
  20. LibertyRevolution

    How this meeting go? Things going to improve on the NC?
    I wouldn't mind playing my blue guy again if NC is actually going to work together as a faction..