Was the game just killed for PC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PinkHurtsMyEyes, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. pnkdth

    No. However, the game does die multiple times on forumside. Mostly because, apparently, here we have people who no longer play the game having circle-j**ks talking about how much they're not playing the game.

    I am not very thrilled with the current developments, but at the same time, I doubt this is the last tuning we're going to see. Especially given the almost universally negative feedback.
    • Up x 1
  2. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    So by now it's pretty much confirmed that this was not only a flight mechanic patch but an input and physics patch. Broken/affected things I have noticed so far are:
    • ESF controls
    • Vehicle steering and movement controls
    • MBT/Harrasser top gun is jerky and very hard to aim.
    • Lightning turret is behaving very strange, probably vanguard and prowler turrets too, but I have only played vanu since patch so idk.
    • Bullet drop from Lightning gun is off in a strange fashion.
    • Light assault seems to lose momentum when going sideways
    • Head hitboxes are changed.
    • Seems like infantry ADAD is affected too.
    Anyone else care to add to this list?