Warpgates are looking a little cramped

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G-wiz15, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. G-wiz15

    so with populations going up with the new update, and with more frequent alerts, i gotta ask. what is being done about the afk spam during peak hours? it seems that if im not the first one on a continent then it gets bogged down by faction que, once i DO arrive though i see at least a dozen people just standing still inside spawn tubes or on in the corridor leading outside.

    Personally i think it would be nice if there was a timer to kick afk players out of the wargate, seperate from the logout timer since it sits comfortably at 15/20 mins. thoughts?
    • Up x 1
  2. Rooklie

    As far as I know, there is a timer.

    As a matter of fact, I know for sure there is a timer, I said "as far as I know" because I'm not 100% certain that it works in the same way in the warpgate.

    But I am pretty sure. Here's why :

    There are times when something "In Real Life" will need my attention, but either because I estimate that it is for very long, or for other reasons, like for example, I've got a sundy deployed at a base I was attacking and lots of people spawned there, whatever, whatever the reason, maybe it's just that an Alert has started and I don't want to lose out on the rewards.

    In other games I used macros with a timer that would regularly make me move so the game would think I was not AFK, but these don't seem to work in PS2 (you should be happy about that).

    I haven't determined precisely the length of the timer, especially as it seems that it fluctuates, however, I know for sure, cause I've done it a million times, that if I set my own timer on my phone, for 9 minutes, and before those 9 minutes are done I do stuff in game (move, shoot, re-deploy), then I go afk again for another 9 minutes.

    I've gone over that timer without getting disconnected, so it's probably closer to 10 minutes.

    That's probably the same one you mentioned and that you call "logout timer". But it's not that long.

    In short (I know, I like never ever do anything "short".) there already is a timer that kicks afk players after (approximately) 10 minutes.

    Bonus : I think, not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure that it even applies if you're not in the game, if you're at the character screen.
  3. PlanetBound

    Agreed. This is an old topic. The usual argument against it is people are "staging". That is, they are waiting for the squad or outfit to organize. Or they have the right to hang out in the warpgate. There should be an automatic timer kick for being in the warpgate.