Warpgate rotation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Duff_Chimp

    Seeing as I didn't play the game yesterday did the warpgates rotate? I didn't see any mention on the patch notes that is. Kinda sucks to be NC when the same day your beloved MAXes got hammered you also get thrown back to your 'favourite' warpgate. Either way I'm assuming by no mention on the forums they didn't get rotated.

    So the bigger question is why not I guess?
  2. phreec

    Oh no you ain't getting away that easy TR! Hell, at least you don't have to stand out with twelve Magriders sitting in every crack and on top of those canyons. :eek:
  3. Jaes

    Nope, TR gets to suffer some more at our launch WP :eek:
  4. HadesR

    Are they not supposed to rotate monthly ? and not every 2 weeks with the GU ..
  5. Duff_Chimp

    Correct me if I'm wrong the first rotation occured beginning of feb for GU02, then the next rotation was GU04 which I believe hit mid march time. So do they rotate with the game updates or with some other arbitrary method?

    Vanu had their original WG for 2 and a half months approx. then we got their warpgate and had it one month and a half. I'm quite happy to wait a month and a half from GU04 but I was under the impression it was to be rotated with every two GUs. I guess the long delay with GU04 kind of screwed that over.