Walmart 1000 SC with SUB?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hodaddy, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Hodaddy

    If you buy the Walmart 1500 station cash + 500(Walmart Bonus) and choose to subscribe + 500 do you get 1000(with walmart bonus 500)?
  2. Velgan

    If it's like the gamestop card you don't. Gamestop card you get 1500sc or 1month but you don't get the 500 for becoming member,.
  3. DemoEvolved

    Can you break down the bonuses you are hoping to see stack into more detail?
  4. Hodaddy

    I used Walmart today. Gives 2000 SC. 1500 + 500(Walmart Bonus)
    I wanna see if you can use the card to subscribe(which you can) and get the 500 SC for subbing + 500(Walmart Bonus).
  5. fastdak255

    i'm looking at a used walmart card right now and i can't see where on the card it says it will do this or not. The only thing can think of is to go ahead and enter the code. When you do it will give you the option to use it for SC or Sub. At this point I believe is still does not charge the code, but one more screen showing exactly what you are getting. Here it will show if the 500 bonus SC comes with using the code for a sub or not.
  6. Hodaddy

    Has anyone applied the 30-Time Card from Walmart?