Wait...Heavy also get C4?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wrenched, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Demigan

    Ok, I suppose you are right there. But I did make a few lists with almost everything every class can do, and if you look at it all classes are pretty much balanced... except for the LA who has horribly little uniqueness. Smoke grenades? given to the others, Flash grenades? While less effective in the "no vision" department the EMP and Concussion are wildly more useful due to the extra things they do to people. Adrenalin pump? Even though it wasn't a big boost it was ultimately given to other classes as well. He's got no tools, no utilities. Only some synergy with C4 and Shotguns, a synergy, nothing more. It needs tools! Utilities! Things to enhance it's teamplay abilities! Right now the whole class, despite being my favorite due to Jetpacks, is horribly outmatched in almost every department.
  2. stalkish

    I see where you coming from but the way i see it in terms of utilities and / or class abilities is the Jetpak is the king, nothing else gives such a boost to movement, nothing else creates unpredictability like the jetpak, not even infils.
    I personaly see the LA as the ultimate lone wolf class, fly around and kill things from above or behind.
    Should it get some additional utility? Perhaps.

    Id probably be more up for something like the heavy shield (no not a shield, dont burn me) something that helps it to assault other players, rather than turn it into another support class.

    EDIT: lost my line of thought a bit there, edited to make it more readable
  3. Demigan

    Many people are making the same argument about the Heavy shield ability, it's a crutch many people adore to use to get an advantage, not to mention Rocket-Primary options as well as carrying the incredibly powerful LMG's.

    You are describing exactly what I like about the LA. I would really enjoy some movement-oriented abilities. There have been numerous battles where a speed-boost is what you need to pass a no-mans land. There's also tons of utilities and abilities that you can give the LA to make it a teamplayer. Scanning jammers that prevent radars and scanners to pick friendlies up, goggles that allow any enemy that's spotted by the LA to get a wire-frame for the duration of the spot, allowing the LA as well as friendlies to perfectly spot enemies even through obstacles, additionally a small arrow could show if spotted enemies are above, below or on your level to make tracking easier. Allow them to burn jetpack fuel to create a smoke-screen for your friends or to use within a building to get away from your enemies. Allow them to use jumpjet energy to create false signatures on the radar to distract enemies, Gel/glue grenades that cover an area for a short period, slowing anyone inside the area as long as they are in there etc (perhaps with a "glue" bonus when someone slowed down gets killed) etc.
  4. wrenched

    LA should get ammo scavenging. I remember Higby talking about this years ago but nothing ever came of it.

    Since I made this post I have discovered that Heavies also get AV grenades so they really are the go to class for everything. I am actually feeling quite stupid that I didn't just main heavy:

    -Big gun 0.75x ADS (NS variant available to all factions) with lots of spare ammo (especially the vanu directive LMG lol)

    -Big HP with medkits and immediate flexible shield

    -Big AV/anti-max potential with AV grenades, rocket, c4..

    -Basically only thing it can't do it cloak and fly
  5. Zherot

    Your post is completely stupid, you list all of the above like 1 class could get all of those when in fact they are distributed into at least 4 other classes.

    BTW you conveniently forgot one role of the HA:

    Tanking damage with their own Paladins bubble like in WOW, except paladins bubble actually had a cool down.
  6. stalkish

    Think you need to read the OP again and at least try an understand my answer.

    OPs question:
    What is the purpose of THE OTHER CLASSES, not what is the purpose of engi, not what is the purpose of medic, not what is the purpose of infil.
    OP asked what the OTHER CLASSES, plural not singular, can do.
    I answered the things the OTHER CLASSES can do. If the OP had asked what the engi can do id have told them, if theyd asked what the medics role is id have told them but they didnt, they asked what the purpose of THE OTHER CLASSES was.
    I know reading and comprehension is harder than trolling but just try a little bit to understand what people are saying, it will help you get on in life.

    With regards to tanking damage, the HA will die in less than a second even with shield, not much tanking there tbqh.
  7. EarlofSunderer

    I only play heavy for the phoenix, but I do I miss the sweet sound of experience from ammo packs, the ability to resurrect fallen comrades, or hack a vehicle terminal and pull a sunderer/tank/wraith-flash.
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  8. TheKhopesh

    Actually, C-4 is a better utility for medics than health injections.
    They can heal themselves, and rarely need to have them.

    (No one actually uses the shield regen device other than as the butt of a joke and to get the ribbons for the medic directive.)
  9. TheKhopesh

    I play HA for the Phoenix launchers as well.
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    Other that taking out sundies with a HA anti tank build. Med kits are the way.

    Deployed sundies with max deploy shield. No problem, C4x2, grenade bandolier 4xAT grenades. Deci for extra measure..
  11. MarvinGardens

    Huh, is that why everyone started using the shield regen device? I mean, that's why I switched from health regen to shield regen, since I already auraxiumed my health regen ability. Makes sense I suppose. I thought they actually liked it tho...
  12. TheKhopesh

    As someone who mains medic (just look at my sig :p ) I can assure you that the health regen ability is FAR better than the shield regen bubble device.

    There's little point to playing the only class that can heal itself indefinitely without need to go to a sundy, terminal, or redeploy if you're not even going to use it's self healing ability.

    All you ever need to really stay in an infantry fight is engies and medics.