Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Riekopo, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. datfluttershy

    Gosh just ad Gravity to tthe game as well as airspeed and the silly turn on a dime dogfights stop, since you will just stall and drop like a freakin rock.
  2. Sirisian

    Since I just posted this on PSU:
    Yeah was suggested. The devs didn't like it I don't think since it was brought up a few times. I even wrote up a section on my site after a discussion on PSU about it before tech test since a few people saw an issue with their implementation of VTOL from the videos.

    I don't think STOL would work though. Landing vertically is important.

    • Each plane in the game would have an afterburner bar. This would recharge slowly over time. Pretend you get into a jet and press e to go up it would drain the bar applying thrust to lift the vehicle vertically. You would then move forward and drop with gravity and begin flying like normal. If you slow down your plane will begin to fall out of the air. Using the afterburner thrust would stop this.
    • What this means is that an aircraft could take off in VTOL and fly for a bit to recharge the after-burner and then land vertically pretty easily. It could also slow down and hover for a moment to launch rockets. It would however then need to speed up and regain flight as the bar depletes.
    • This means a plane like a mossy or Reaver can't do a perpetual hover over a target. It would encourage sweeping quick attacks.
    • A galaxy and other vehicles would use the thrust to take off also and hover momentarily to release units. A bomber could also use this hover to position itself over a target for a moment before depleting the bar.
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  3. Taiji

    You didn't state the problem you're trying to solve with STOL.
  4. Riekopo

    That's not at all what I meant. I doubt you've actually tried to use a flight stick in Planetside 2. It has nothing to do with balance, it's about making flight sticks actually work. As of right now, anyone who uses a flight stick is at a huge disadvantage because they do not work. You can't even keep your aircraft on the ground if you use an analog throttle. In a combined arms game that features tons of aircraft, of course it should be a priority.
  5. Riekopo

    There is gravity in the game, I don't that's the problem.
  6. Sebyos

    Yup I've been waiting for that for a while. It would be pretty awesome to see ESFs dive at max speed on tanks and unload on them then run away. We would need a good buff to rocket pod damage for it to work tough. It would also fit well in this game where AA is so good.

    I personally find air boring as hell and I used to be a fan of the ace combat series. It's just too boring to fly these silly VTOLs, but I would fly an ESF anytime if they became jets.
  7. Sebastos

    Yes, that is exactly what is needed! Right now aircraft feel like they are pretty much flying underwater. You'll never fall to the ground.
  8. XenomorphZZ

    Umm, who says we would need to increase the speed for STOL craft, and not keep the same speeds? I mean right now we're pretty slow...
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  9. Zorro

    The current ground-attack fighters should not be removed, but air superiority fighters and interceptors should be added to fight air targets.
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  10. datfluttershy

    Yes but the Aircraft are not effected by it at all, or do you get G-Force feedback if you pull a sharp turn? Do you lose speed and stall on vertical climbs?
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  11. LameFox

    One thing to keep in mind about balancing them for quick passes is that this kinda implies very sudden death should one attack you. As in rockets-to-rear-of-tank death, except more common because otherwise literally everything would just repair before they came back.

    Which seems to me like it's the thing a lot of people hate about them to begin with...