Vsync acting all funny

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Metacom, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Metacom

    With Vsync on FPS is of course limited to 60. But in some areas (empty ones too) with Vsync on my fps will be locked at 30-40 fps. When I turn Vsync off the FPS will jump up to 50-60 looking at the exact same area.

    Its almost like something to do with tripple buffer or something that will cut your frame rates in half and hold it at 30 if you cant render a steady 60fps at all times. The last prince of persia game did this too, but the workaround for that doesn't work for PS2.

    This has been the case since the technical testing period, and I haven't heard anyone commenting on the same problem. I wiped and reinstalled my comp few days ago.

    Latest AMD 12.11 beta drivers.
  2. Hydragarium

    Disable Vsync, open up UserOptions.ini and change MaxFPS (or whatever it is called specifically) to 60.

    It works better than Vsync and should fix your issue.
  3. Metacom

    Thats what im currently doing. Problem is the screen tearing is still noticeable without the Vsync.
  4. BlamTown

    "Some people think that the solution to this problem is to simply create an FPS cap equal to the refresh rate. So long as the video card doesn't go faster than 60 FPS, everything is fine, right? Wrong."


    everything you need to know in there. you're better off using adaptive vsync if you use nvidia, if you drop below 60 frames.
  5. Hydragarium

    A predefined FPS cap is still better than Vsync - Your thread fails to address the concept of an FPS cap entirely, Blamtown. It only touches on Vsync. You'll have an excellent discussion about the concept with Cycle here on the forums - he made a lengthy explanation of the differences and how the FPS cap is the obvious choice for PS2.
  6. Metacom

    So ugh...no one else having this problem?