[VS/TR/NC] Looking for small outfit

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Killa, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Killa

    Hello all!
    I'm currently looking for a outfit that takes this game as a FPS and not a MMORPG. I played in beta and at launch for a while but had FPS issues so I quit[BR 20 NC with 1.4 k/d]. I am now coming back to the game and coming to Connery since its the server with the best fights apparently.
    So I am now looking for a outfit that plays across all Empires that looks for fights constantly. My K/D could improve much better than it was when I first started the game over a year ago.
  2. Lastbender

    Hi Killa!

    if your looking for an outfit join "YBOK"!! {VS} We currently have 700+ mem and growing rapidly. We usually have squads and platoon up daily. For more info about us please visit our website XD!!!
  3. Alarox

    "700+ men and growing rapidly" doesn't seen like a small outfit.
  4. Lastbender

    ive never said it was a small outfit lol
  5. Church41349

  6. Killa