(VS) The Lasher - Worth getting?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Saool, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Saool

    I've seen a few posts on the Lasher but the jury seems to be out. I usually play with the Thanatos Shotgun which is fantastic up close but a real liability in the open. I'm not the best with LMGs as I'm pretty new to FPS. I understand the roll of the Lasher as a suppression weapon as opposed to a direct take down weapon. I have also trialed it but found the 30 mins insufficient to really test it out.

    So I'd like the opinions of experienced Lasher users on its pros and cons and how to get the best out of it.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. TheEvilBlight

    Lasher works at a range a little further than the shotgun, but not that much further. When used behind cover, a lash could hit the obstacle in front of you and cause you damage. Unpleasant.
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  3. Skadi

    When used right, its a epic weapon, but it can get you killed alot...

    Ive used it to hold off 7 NC before in a Tower Fight on Esamir, granted i didnt believe they were the brightest bunch but they liked to stick to walls alot so if i didnt get a body shot i would atleast nail the wall their standing against.
  4. Jaloro

    No. The lasher is absolutely terrible. It is a pale shadow of its former PS1 form.

    a) It has slow moving massively obvious shots that anyone from medium range out can just move aside from at their leisure. Not that they really need to because it is hopelessly inaccurate.
    b) At short range it kills the user by lashing back at you.
    c) By lashing friendlies it will generate you grief in an enclosed area faster than tossing grenades around at random.
    d) Its damage and RoF are pretty awful meaning you lose most 1 v 1 encounters.
    e) It has next to no upgrades, not even a scope.
    f) They didn't even bother giving it a sound when it fires meaning it has no feel to it at all.

    Some people like it because it is the ultimate spammy weapon and it is somewhat unique. All that quickly pales into insignificance compared to its flaws.

    Worst PS2 purchase I made and I bought a Skyguard. Just pitiful.

    My advice would be to get used to the Orion. It is one of the best LMG's in the game.
  5. TheEvilBlight

    a. Wouldn't use it at the longest ranges. Probably not even at carbine ranges. Not my choice at shotgun range since you are close enough to potentially lash yourself.
    b. Agree
    c. Agree
    d. A very YMMV question. My K/D is meh and I don't do any better with the LMGs. I'm sure as my LMG skill builds up, I will pull ahead with the LMG.
    e. Agree
    f. Agree.
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  6. Deschain

    It's a tempremental little so n so Weapon, i've killed myself more with it than enemy players and garnered more grief than if i had fired 2 HE rounds into a freindly sunderer. But once in a blue Moon it as some chesire Cat smile moments.

    forget using cover when firing as your more likely to kil yourself than any enemy your aiming at :p
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  7. Chemicalnurd

    The lasher is an odd weapon. It's good. But do not expect to use it for the same sort of role as any other weapon.
    I find that contrary to popular belief the best way to use it is at nearly any range against large groups of enemies. Don't try to kill individuals with it and make sure you only use it from somewhere where you're fairly safe and have friendly cover.
    Hose a large group with those disco balls it fires and it drops their shields damned quick. I generally find that you will get very few kills but so many assists that you make roughly the same XP.
    It's also a highly situational weapon. As I said, you only want to use it on groups. But given the right chance it can turn the tide of a battle. Earlier today I was fighting at TI Alloys by accident (I usually avoid areas that lead you to the crown), and the NC drove us back into the spawn room and held us there for a while. I got a lasher out on trial, activated my shield, and charged out firing it into the huge group that was sitting by the shield. It killed about 6 people in about half as many seconds, softened up many more, and gave us the foothold we needed to push out of the spawn room and retake the base. So I'd say it's the best crowd control weapon barring a well placed grenade. It can fulfill this role seemingly at any range (though you require some level of luck in CQC as well as being backed up by lots of friendlies)

    The way I would describe it is a support weapon. Only use it when you're with others. It's also extremely effective when you're in an organized squad with more communication as you can.

    Give it another go on trial some time maybe. Whether you like this weapon or not is HUGELY down to personal preference. I've trialed it twice and the first time I thought it was terrible, but the second time I really got to grips with how it should be used and I love it. I'll be buying one as soon as I have money.
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  8. Nenarch

    Don\t get it. Too situational weapon.. if it would replace rocket launcher it might a choise to have.. but as a main weapon.. just lol.
  9. BlackDragonFun

    It's a good weapon when you are playing in support of other players. In situations where you might gain the attention of someone up close, you are unlikely to win as the damage output isn't high enough. It's great for holding off enemies, taking out groups of enemies, or taking out enemies hiding in cover.

    Friendly fire from the orbs exploding is annoying though.
  10. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Aside the friendly fire, a few important notes:
    The dps up close is slightly lower than a pistol, and the orbs are horribly slow, but the weapon is actually very accurate in hipfire and the projectiles are big, so with a bit of leading, you can hit reliably.
    If you don't hit much anyways, at least you can draw fire away from those who do.
    Also, it has a sound.
    A quiet one, but it does. Wasn't always the case, true.
    I would not buy it unless you're sure, it's really situational and most people regret the purchase.
    Also, no Auraxium Medal.
  11. Chemicalnurd

    Actually I'd say "Buy it if you have spare SC" because no matter how much you hate it you'll always end up finding a situation where you'll think "Hey, yknow what would be great right now? If I had a Lasher."
    Besides, it's a disco ball launcher!
  12. Extremite

    I love my Lasher and do not regret the purchase at all. Sure, it's a very situational weapon, but in the right hands it's absolutely devastating to groups of enemies. If targets are grouped up you can kill more enemies with one magazine of Lasher rounds than you can with any other LMG.
  13. Emeraude

    Lasher is a slightly situational weapon. Currently, the only things really crippling it in my opinion are threefold: the plasma orbs don't explode unless they directly impact something, the damage is too low to win a firefight with a Light Assault/Medic/Engineer, and the fact that it takes your rifle weapon position means you can't pair it with the accurate pinpoint weapon it begs you to use to complement it.

    Lashers are good for a few things. If you want to provide covering fire or stop yuks from chucking grenades and missiles out of windows, it's amazing- a 75-round clip lets you keep heads down for a long time. Lashers are nice for melting maxes, for some reason they do far better there than against infantry. If you have an enemy hiding behind a corner, the splash damage is great for forcing them to either back away or melt to death. If you want to keep people out of a hallway, the Lasher is your weapon- stand at one end and shoot down the hall and nobody will walk in (unless they're on your side and blind, which apparently describes 2/3 of the VS who don't have Lashers themselves and 1/3 of those who do). And if you want to leap off a jump pad and deal a spray of damage to everything where you're about to land so people will scatter and give you time to find cover, they're great. Finally, Lashers are The Answer to engineers with deployed turrets- you won't blow up the turret, but the engineer behind it will melt even if your shots plow into the turret's shield, so that's fun.

    Lashers are terrible for a lot of things. Mass infantry assaults are horrible, because nobody has time or attention to pay to whether or not they're running in front of your gun, and with the projectile travel time, you're not cutting off in time to stop killing your allies and getting gunlocked to boot. You cannot win a 1v1 firefight with a Lasher unless your enemy is a Max, an Infiltrator who hasn't got their pistol out, or unaware of you when you get there. Lashers don't do damage worth noticing to vehicles (although they can melt the rider clean off a Flash should you actually manage to hit the thing). You cannot shoot people who are running a different direction than towards or away from you until they're about half the size of your targeting reticle, and then you start missing anyways because the projectiles brush them instead of hitting and thus don't explode. You cannot use a Lasher at very close range because you will helpfully melt your armor off so your enemy's bullets don't have to pass through it to reach your squishy innards.

    Figure out why you want a Lasher, and then reread this and figure out if that matches what Lashers are good for. If it does, then get the Lasher and have a blast hurling glowy balls of doom at people. If not, don't grab one but watch out for people who did because they -will- melt you and it -won't- be on purpose.
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  14. Atlien77

    here's a lasher review:

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  15. Allin

    Only ironsights in a faction with magneto-tanks, lasers and donkeyballs. Weapon designer was high.
  16. Brusilov [TR]

    Sif you would ads!
  17. Glythe

    I think the Lasher would be fantastic in its current form if it could replace the pistol.

    I might not even wait for it to be on sale for half price!
  18. TheEvilBlight

    Lasher is something I would use when trying to break a tower camp, either upstairs or downstairs. Chances are they will kill you before shotgun range, so...
  19. gacktc2810

    It's a good weapon for those times when you spawn from a sunderer or a spawn room, step outside, and see a cluster of enemy infantry coming at you in the distance, but not very close yet. In that case, run back to the weapons terminal, equip the Lasher, and blast away. You can stop the enemy advance very effectively... as long as you are not the only one there.

    That's the only situation I would equip it. Like the others said, it's not a good primary weapon to be running around with... unless you always run with a large outfit, and don't mind always playing support AND almost never getting direct kills (the high number of assists you'll get somewhat makes up for it).

    Having said that, I did have a lot of fun with the Lasher while defending the Crown a few nights ago. I come out of the spawn room on top of the rockface, see lots of enemies coming up the little "canyons", run back in to equip the Lasher, and it was almost too easy to hold them back. (There were like maybe 6-8 other defenders on that slope with me) It's a viable weapon when all these conditions are fulfilled...

    Then I switched over to my LSW to actually kill some of them.
  20. TheEvilBlight

    I've used mine at Ti Alloys when coming from the west to suppress near the spawns and the entries to the little shacks. But when the assault gets too close, you stop shooting, get up and move to the front to suppress again.

    You will die a lot. You will probably TK a lot too.