VS Thanatos

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by CrimsonFear, May 29, 2013.

  1. CrimsonFear

    With the Thanatos (or any semi-suto shotgun) is it worth it to get the slugs? I'm afraid to get it cause in CQC situation its only one pellet and with the buck its multiple pellets, and also doesn't the slugs just turn the shotty into a semi-auto rifle?
  2. FnkyTwn

    Slugs aren't for CQC unless you've got an Auto-Shotty. The Pandora is a beast at
    CQC with Slugs. With extended mags you've got 10 shots, and you only need to
    land 3 of them, so it's fairly easy. You can (and some do) use Slugs at shorter
    ranges, but it takes practice and some luck to beat out others at LMG distance.

    The only time No-Bullet-Drop comes into play for Vanu is at extreme range (90m+),
    which is where the Slug Shotgun (any VS shotty) and the Battle Rifle (Eidelon) pull
    ahead of the other factions counterparts. (Bolt Actions obviously have normal dropoff)

    With a 4x Scope, your Thanatos becomes better than the Battle Rifle. 3 body shots,
    or 2 head shots, will kill anybody. You can kill people at 12x sniper range - easily, as
    long as they're standing still.

    I Auraxiumed with the Nova using 98% slugs. You can engage stationary targets at
    a range where, you can get 3 slugs in the air before the first one actually hits, and
    by then it's too late. First shot takes their shields, 2nd and 3rd take their life.
  3. CrimsonFear

    Wow thanks for the info dude I bought the slugs just because of this! Thanks FnkyTwn.
  4. metrotw

    slug shotty, battle rifle, semi auto snipers and scout rifles are all beastly weapons on vanu due to no bullet drop and, post gu8 buff, no damage degradation at range. all of them are vastly superior and downright overpowered compared to the tr\nc versions.

    think of these as a bonus you get for playing the fruit loop faction. ;)
  5. CrimsonFear

    Haha, very true :p
  6. BlackDragonFun

    When I first started using the Nova, I also used slugs. It can be fun to hide in obscure places, and sniping people with it. It's good medium range weapon. However the slugs aren't fast, so you need to lead your targets. I found that it was best used against those who are stationary at distance.

    I never persevered with slugs at close range so can't comment too much on how effective they are. I just wasn't that effective with them at CQC. I rack up a lot more kills in CQC with normal shotgun pellets, but it takes practice to increase your survivability amongst the enemy. Basically use the mobility that the jetpack provides and come in at the enemy at unexpected angles.
  7. Qraven

    The strength of using the normal spread vs slugs is that multiple pellets can hit the head in addition to the body, when aiming at the upper chest; which causes higher damage. For CQC, specifically indoor play, I never use slugs.
  8. CrimsonFear

    Thanks for the tips guys.
  9. Slaidd

    Excellent summation. I've been using the Pandora with extended mag, slugs and 4x scope on my engineer. Infinite ammo, and the damage slugs do, I've been absolutely wearing snipers out with this combo. At some ranges, like you say, I can squeeze off all 3 shots, or very close to that, before the first one hits. If they're not moving immediately they're done. It's been one of the most fun things I've done in this game lately. :)
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  10. YoXn

    Don't use slugs on any shotty! If you need the long-range it means you don't need the shotgun.
    The only time a shotgun is worth it, is when you need it; tower's, small outposts (Inside buildings)
    , etc. So don't use slugs they **** you CQC epically.
  11. Slaidd

    Agreed, for CQC, I still use the Pandora for my engineer (love the infinite ammo) for the most part, or maybe the latest pump action on my LA, with NV scope (just for seeing through smoke) and extended mags and no slugs. Pretty deadly. Just make sure to take your time, aim and make a good shot. If you miss with a shotgun, especially a pump, you may not get a second shot.
  12. Prince Planet

    Just picked up the Thanatos on the 25% off sale. Slugs / OG 4x scope and extended magazine. I thought of a pump but the reload jump takes you too far off target. In one situation this setup is excellent and you can snipe with it. Else you swap to pellets and "run & gun".
  13. altonyc

    One thing to keep in mind about slugs: If you're moving while ADS, even just moving a little bit, there will be a very large COF. It's fairly necessary to stand still before shooting unless you're in dangerously close ranges.
  14. Wolfwood82

    To be fair the damage degradation was a horrible balance system to impose on the VS. I'm glad they finally got rid of it, it only took a whole new game and several months of playing it for them to figure it out...
  15. metrotw

    You're right. What they should have done was cut the VS magazine size down another 5 bullets instead to compensate them for the no drop AND no degradation. ;)
  16. FnkyTwn

    I could see the point of that with Slugs, and maybe Battle Rifles, but
    not for any other VS gun, and it's really a moot point because usually
    the only person using this setup is gonna be an Engineer, so ammo
    isn't an option.

    I wish Battle Rifles were as good as Slug Shotguns. Actually the stats
    should be switched between the two weapons. Give the BRs the hitting
    power of the Slug Shotty, and give Slug Shotties the 'meh' of BRs.
  17. Wolfwood82

    You would have the exact same problem that the damage degradation had.

    That being bullet drop is something a skilled player can account for when aiming. Degradation and smaller DPM isn't, which forces the VS into having a weakness that can't be compensated for. In fact the lower DPM is worse, since they can't compensate at all while the degradation forced them into closer fights then the other two empires.
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  18. Adamar09

    VS already have the least damage/magazine. TR get 10 extra bullets, and NC have higher damage/shot (so for carbines and AR roughly halfway between VS and TR).