VS tech plant (Hvar)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spiffmeister, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Spiffmeister

    Now it could just be the server I'm on and I only play the VS so correct me if I'm wrong but...

    The Hvar tech plant seems to be in a horrible spot. I had a problem with its placement at the end of beta and I'm really finding it an issue now. The VS on briggs have been defending it for over an hour because quartz ridge allows the TR such a good staging platform. The TR almost always own quartz and seem to be able to take it easier than the VS can (being able to drive their tanks/sundies right around the shield helps [on a side note west highlands having a shield facing Allatum but allowing the TR free access if the VS own is also special]). The front line seems to be around that area, which begs the question, why is the TR tech plant so far into their territory but the VS/NC's is on the boarders?

    I really have no idea where I'm going with this, are other people having the same experience?
  2. Quor

    If you think that's bad, check out the tech plants on Amerish. Hvar isn't as bad as Tawrich is on Indar, but both are worse off than Mao by a good bit. Take a look at Heyoka and Mekala on Amerish and compare it to Tumas. Tumas is like 3-4 hexes away from the TR warpgate, practically right next to it (like Mao on Indar) while Heyoka is like 9-10 hexes away from the VS warpgate, and Mekala is a good 7-8 from the NC.

    End result? It's much easier for the TR to deny VS and NC MBT's, especially on Amerish, while it remains nearly impossible for the NC/VS to do the same to the TR.
  3. Spiffmeister

    TR are obviously the developers pets :p ....