VS Srius

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by JustBlu, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. JustBlu

    What attachments do u recommend for sirius ? And upgrades for infiltrator
  2. TheHuntsman

    its all a matter of preference me i use the ammo belt, hunter cloaking and i tend to upgrade the terminal hacking
  3. Astraka

    Advanced Laser & Soft Point Ammo are a must I think, but equipping a suppressor is very much dependent on the situation. If you feel like the circumstances dictate a suppressor equip it, but you'll find that in a lot of situations you don't actually need one. Since they do in fact negatively impact the performance of your weapon, be sure that you will actually get use out of the suppressor before you go hunting with it equipped.

    On my SMG Infiltrator build I run with maxed Hunter Cloak, maxed Medical Kits (not restoration), EMP Grenades, and maxed Nanoweave Armor.

    Nanoweave is something that I feel you almost have to max out on a close quarters Infiltrator. It allows you to survive AP Mines, puts you on more even footing with the sturdier classes, and even allows you to tank Bolt Action headshots at longer ranges. It is pretty much the catchall of suit slots and is probably too effective. I use NW5 on all of my loadouts save my Sniper, who runs with maxed ammunition belt.

    Your utility slot is more personal preference, but I feel like I get more out of the healing kits than I do AP Mines. With Flak & Nanoweave being so prevalent I often find my AP Mines go off without a kill, relegating them to a more situational spot in my arsenal. Healing kits on the other hand allow me to stay in the fight longer & recover from potentially lethal situations quickly. Restoration Kits are ok, but since the healing effect will be cut short if you cloak mid heal the instant healing effect of the Medical Kit is more useful in my opinion.

    For the grenade slot I recommend the EMP. I often find myself in situations where I'm fighting multiple enemies, usually 2-3 by myself. While a frag grenade has a chance to take them all out, an EMP is a far more reliable way to even the odds. They're also very useful to throw at targets at distances outside of optimal SMG range. Once the grenade strips their shields you can confidently kill targets at longer ranges despite the inaccuracy of the SMG due to their health being effectively cut in half. I also like to use it as a pseudo flash grenade, tossing it in to an occupied room before running in guns blazing.
    • Up x 1
  4. JustBlu

    Ty man , this is so helpful to understand in what way u play infiltrator .
  5. Astraka

    I really wish I had a better computer so I could make some good videos and show you how I play an Infiltrator. Simply typing up a few paragraphs doesn't really do it justice, but I'm glad you think it was helpful.
  6. haldolium

    I pretty much agree. Especially health kit vs. mines.

    Mines today are just some nasty gift for spawn room rushers, but due to Flak+Nanoweave seldom a true tactical choice anymore (unless combined... but yeah, thats not for the Infi imo, rather engineer) not to mention they're still bugged in various ways.

    Nanoweave at 4 should already be very helpful. I kind of don't cert many of these tremendously expensive 1000k 5th level stuff, seems not worth it just from the numbers.
  7. Get2dachoppa

    I'm closing in on the Auraxium medal for my AP mines and I still get pretty good use out of them, maybe not quite as much as in the past. You can always place two close together to secure a kill. I also find they are useful as sort of an early warning to protect your flank. Hear the explosion and you know someone tripped your mine and you can go pick off a weakened enemy. Also work well if you bait someone into chasing you.
  8. Astraka

    I haven't completely shelved mine. I usually use them as point-defense, placing them around an area when I have time before switching back to my Med-Kits. They're also pretty fun to suicide bomb people when a base is completely overrun. But as a general use item I find them very situational compared to Med-Kits
  9. haldolium

    Yeah they're not entirely useless, but more for small encounters or distant locations and not anymore as a true protective gate between your back and yourself...

    I too run with them whenever a situation seems fitting, though for forward pushing/exploring/infiltrating I'd prefer the healthpack. It always depends, of course. But I'd say cert medikit first and mines maybe later.

    If anything, they're at least fun to use.
  10. zizeff

    Try adv laser and the suppresser and for upgrades ap mine and or med packs dependent on play style, nano 5 if you have the certs if not you could dump a few certs in to ammo bando maxed hunter cloaker and emp nade try to get a few levles in to the recon dart and term hacking they help in the long run maxing them out works best but not essential.
  11. Dr. Euthanasia

    The most practical application of proximity mines is, in fact, using them as grenades. Unlike frags, they explode almost instantly and without warning, so if you ever sneak up on a big crowd, an EMP downs their shields and two spread-out mines will finish them all off. As a point defense tool, however, they're inferior to recon darts; you should always have darts down before your mines, and only drop the mines when you anticipate a need for that damage advantage or as part of an escape attempt. No sense in wasting 75 infantry resources when a simple flank and some bullets will do the job for free, after all.

    Not sure about the medkits. I never use them, but I encounter dozens of situations which make me wish I did.
  12. zizeff

    Med kits only pay off if you spending more time running and gunning when your out in the open lone wolfing
  13. DeathSparx

    Alternatively, you can run with the forward grip over the advanced laser sight which might be useful if you're using the gun at medium ranges because the recoil pulls to the left and right as well as up so having the forward grip will allow you to control that better (but I personally still use the advanced laser sight for the hipfire accuracy as it takes one of the best hipfire weapons in the game and makes it better). Sights are your opinion. Then there's the suppressor: Astraka finds it situational but I like having a suppressor on my smg at all times because I find it invaluable not to show up on the mini-map when I fire my weapon. Also, the ranges that you should be using this weapon make the negative change in bullet velocity by both soft point ammo and the suppressor negligible.

    As for the infiltrator itself, maxing out hunter-cloaking and NW armor is a must for CQC for the same reasons Astraka mentioned. I personally run NW armor on all my infiltrator loadouts including the sniper because it makes counter-sniping a pain-in-the-*** for the other sniper instead of myself.

    Medkits vs. AP Mines: If I'm carrying an smg, I also am always carrying AP mines with it because I just find them to valuable to trade out for medkits in those situations especially for taking on heavies. I use medkits (3rd level, so one below what Astraka has) on my sniper because in combined with Nanoweave armor, I can survive multiple headshots and counter-snipe the guy trying to kill me.

    Now your probably wondering, what if I get low on health and there isn't a medic around. At most bases, there is either a friendly sunderer or a weapons terminal that you can hack. If it's the latter, what you do is place down your AP mines to cover your butt, hack the terminal (while looking around as doing so won't interrupt the hack), resupply mines, change to medic, use the medic ability to heal up, change back to infiltrator and you're ready to go.

    So not only did you resupply your ap mines but you got a free heal which didn't cost you infantry resources which you can therefore save to keeping your ap mines stocked up to around 40.
  14. zaspacer

    2x Personnel Mines + 1 Pistol shot on the mines are the most efficient way for an Infiltrator (on foot) to take out a Flash w/ Scout Radar.
  15. CuteBeaver

    I normally have this loadout:

    -Soft Point
    -Advanced Laser
    -HV/NV scope (or you can get reflex) I normally use HV/NV even with the sway it doesn't bother me.

    Reason being it takes 1 less bullet to kill someone. Please keep in mind if I am trying to be sneaky I will change it and put the suppressor on. Having the suppressor on the Sirius is a huge hit in terms of how it handles and you can do some nifty things w/o it. I find my ability to hit targets farther away using ADS improves w/o using the suppressor. I am also finding it easier to engage NC, SMG infiltrators without a suppressor in epic infi vs infi battles.

    2 x Proxy Mines

    EMP nades (These detonate on impact, making them very snappy to use and strip enemy shields making you twice as deadly on ambushes with any weapon.) Use these on targets that might kill you, especially when your learning. Heavy Assaults are a good choice. If you have multiple enemies you can use this on ambush to kill one or sometimes two before hiding and ambushing who ever is left.

    Nanoweave Rank 5 = You can eat 8 bullets. Nanoweave Rank 2 = You can eat 7 bullets. At least get rank 2 as fast as you can. Rank 5 made a big difference for me.

    Full RDDarts.

    Full Hunter Cloak

    I also have a COMMY for a pistol. I only use this if my SMG is low/out and someones going to attack me and reloading isn't an option.
    Most of the time I try and bail but there are times when the COMMY really shines. Especially with a knife.

    A favorite tactic of mine is to spray the enemy for about 1 second with SMG just before knifing them. Its incredibly fast TTK. Being fast, semi transparent, and learning to use those darts to come from unexpected angles is just so much fun. I hope you and your Sirius have many good times ahead.
  16. CuteBeaver

    Nice tips Astraka ill have to give those healing kits a try. Also fantastic idea for extra range potential using EMP. I never thought of them in that way. It seems so common sense when you say it but I always seem to use them on ambush and never considered that. I have the bandolier fully certed as well. The issue is frankly I am not "good enough" right now to use it as I die too quickly w/o having Nanoweave on. Maybe medkits will assist me with this.

    As for proxy mines. I am also slightly disappointed by them lately. I get kills with them just fine, but the issue is using them in suicide runs. I feel as though there is some kinda "drop mine delay" going on. I typically end up eating buckshot before the mine falls out of my cute little hands making the death wasteful. Its hard to explain and maybe its just lag/low FPS on my end making me feel this way. Or maybe my brain does a whole "slow motion thing" and it "feels" longer then it is. In any case sneaking up behind and dropping mines still works but suicide mines are much harder to do for me recently. They are still very useful but I think for the bondolier I am going to take your advice with med kits.

    Actually now that I think about this... Does sprint prevent us from dropping mines? I know there is a "delay" when we try and fire... Could this be whats been tripping me up? Normally im crouched or walking up behind someone for ambush mines, but suicide I am in full blown sprint mashing the key lol. I wonder...