VS projectiles are underpowered: So much for advanced alien technology lol

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, May 1, 2014.

  1. D3GGY

    No room for pockets on the spandex.

  2. Paperlamp

    Yet, TR carries more ammo and somehow moves just as fast.
  3. SinerAthin

    Knowing the TR, their soldiers are probably fueled by fear alone to push them further.

    It's in the VS where the easy life is :D
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  4. Maljas23

    Hmmm... "fueled by fear"...... sounds badass. I approve.
  5. Gazatron

    Then perhaps VS weapons should just get a multiplier effect where it reduces over shields quicker? Or ncreases the recharge times by like 1 second or something.

    Or alternative giving all VS weapons splash damage would work. Not to the level of lashers but something. I realise the word nanites is used a lot as the god that balances everything physics in this game but it's time to apply logic. Such as TR and NC moving slower than VS because of carrying larger ammo reserves etc. I don't mean making them the level of slowness as a max is to normal infantry but at least make it noticeable. Our versatility trait only exists with 0.75 ADS which all factions have anyway.
  6. AdmiralArcher

    actually there is a direct correlation between velocity and bullet drop

    the idea is that, if you have an object that is going really really fast, the rate at which it drops remains a constant, but it is traveling farther in that time frame than it was before, which would render any bullet drop useless because if your bullet drops 1 meter per second, but your bullet is traveling at 1000 meters per second, the amount of drop would be impercivable
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  7. Vixxing

    Not with comets though :p spitting-speed and no drop :p
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  8. Stormsinger

    While I hate the vision obscuring element to this, I find all factions' muzzle flash to be a dead position giveaway, which is why I typically run flash suppressor on my mid / long range guns. Our Engie AI turret could stand toning down, I can usually identify the telltale color and extreme glow the moment it renders, at any range... while I can occasionally walk right by a TR AI turret without noticing, if it's unmanned.
  9. Arkenbrien

    The Saron is accurate for the first shot. You have to wait a whole second or so to get that accuracy back, and coupling that with the slower velocity, it makes it next to useless for long range engagement, unless the target in stationary while the Saron slowly pecks at it's health. Trust me, the only time that consistently happens is when the target is a turret.
  10. Vixxing

    I love that LIB clip :) not even i can pull that of sober... (drunk maybe!) Managed to Supermario 2 NC trying to get a lock on my scythe by "landing" on top off them in 200km/h bounced off the ground, took no damage and a satisfying dual- *SPLAT* (WARNING! do not attempt sober!)
  11. Vixxing

    When TR and NC invents polarized sun-glasses VS is doomed! (doomed i tell you!)
  12. Codex561

    I always wanted for all VS weapons to have a bit of splash. Or something heatseaking allowing projectiles to curve slightly.
  13. Modern Ancestor

    For my experience on it they kill just as rest of the empires guns. Well have so far.
  14. TriumphantJelly

    Saron has super spread after 1st shot, no bullet drop is nice. It's a good weapon.
    Magrider doesn't climb to ridiculous places, it climbs to useful/stupid places that don't always help : Especially since you cannot look down. Magrider is fine, not OP, not UP (apart from maybe general tank issues with aircraft magnified tenfold).
  15. AdmiralArcher

    that is because of the foolish Faction trait that is no bullet drop with the VS

    read my other posts in this thread and you will understand the convorsation better
  16. AdmiralArcher

    well considering this is an MMOFPS...why not have damage types?

    NC would do high damage to shields, but do less to health

    VS would do less damage against shields, but more to health

    TR would be inbetween

    this is partly based is logic as well, if something goes through your body really really fast it will do less damage if it is small, same reasoning behind .556 and 7.62 ammo IRL

    plasma would burn, therefore doing more damage to you
  17. AdamRah2

    what 10 bullets? really? omg i'mma run as fast as santa because i'm carrying 10 bullets moar, oh em gee pls
  18. BadAsElite

    Because balance. Again drop the whole Magrider is underpowered fad, It's totally not.
  19. D3GGY

    Just like Vanguard Shield wasn't overpowered, right?
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  20. Epic High Five

    Well if the Vanu were so smart why are they all dead