VS paid the Connery login server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FCBLiebe, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. iller

    Right. It was actually a localization bug that didn't affect the Vanu for some reason. We know b/c the only people who got in, did so b/c they were running on a specific Language setting (through the launcher) that wasn't English.
  2. R4GING

    what ?

    you obviously haven't tried flying an ESF through the small space under the bridge nearest to the spawn at high speed - if I remember it right, a Reaver can barely fit that flying at high speed would almost always end up in a crash.
    and there are many other 'obstacles' in the VR.

    only thing it lacks are stuff to shoot at you and moving targets.