VS Max, certs burning a hole

Discussion in 'MAX' started by MNO, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. MNO

    So other than Dual bursters my MAX has nothing, and I wanted to kit him out for AI.

    But with the Cosmos being nerfed into the ground, I don't know what to buy, do I buy Cosmos' and hope they bring them back upto par (as Higby seemed to imply the cosmos nerf wasn't intended) - or do I get Shifts?

    Or do I somehow carry around 2k certs without spending them but dying to.
  2. Ganjis

    The Cosmos may get some love, but I cannot ever see it returning to its former glory. I would hold off weapons though until the MAX balance pass. For AI work, the Quasar/Comet setup is pretty good anyway. Comet has good range and accuracy and seems to take 3 hits to kill any infantry apart from shielded HA. Hose them with the Quasar and slap them with the Comet.

    If you have not already, get the extended mags on your bursters, they make a world of difference.

    Then there is kinetic armour. At maximum rank it gives you 1/3 extra effective HP against small arms.
    Cooldown reduction is worth getting.
    Flak armour lets you survive C4.
    Rank 1 NAR lets you heal up when there is no engineer around.
  3. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    All the above is correct, though unless you really can't hold it, the MAX update might come sometime the next 3 weeks, and maybe you'll have more obvious choices, then.
  4. CoffeeBreak

    I guess it depends which range you want to use the max at. I have more certs than I know what to waste them on so I now have dual Nebulas with extended mags.

    I actually love them. They suck at medium/long range(enough hits for suppression but you're basically wasting ammo), but they're pretty nice(compared to other VS Max weapons) in CQC. They are fairly accurate with a high rate of fire. Would recommend testing them in the VR training. Was running around in Biolabs, towers, random little outposts all weekend running a 65:1 KDR for my session with them. So they're great at picking off LA trying to C-4 you, pretty much "pew pe..dead".
  5. voody

    Wait...or if you absolutely can't buy the Blueshifts.

    Edit: With extended magazines.
  6. Quiiliitiila

    Wait for the MAX update, it WAS supposed to be this month, but that failed... So now it's apparently early next month.

    The Cosmos with any luck will get buffed back into reasonableness, but it won't be returned to it's former epicness (epic for us that is).You'd be safe grabbing the Blueshifts as they have a good RoF and their accuracy is the best of all the VS AI.
  7. Shasbot

    Yeah they're not doing patching MAXes yet, so hold out if you can. Otherwise Blueshift seems to be the best arm now. It's like the old mercy. In fact I wish I got the blueshift last sale and not the mercy...
  8. Anvildude

    Could wait for the Flamethrowers or grenade launchers- or the possible Faction Specific MAX rocket pods.

    Oooh... I really really wanna be able to Rocket Pod an ESF from the ground...
  9. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    MAX Rocket Pods?
    I'd buy those.
  10. Adeon

    Nebula - maximum dps, Blueshift - maximum accuracy, Quasar - economical option, Cosmos ... I don't know, I think it useles now. Cosmos and Blueshift swapped. Can a take back my SC or get Blueshifts instead Cosmos?