VS just broke the record!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightFall, Feb 12, 2013.

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  1. Jack_Frost

  2. NightFall

    well at least that's better than your BR2
  3. Gavyne

    The reason VS pop is getting lower on Connery has nothing to do with game update #2. It has everything to do with the fact that they constantly get beat up by NC & TR on Connery. NC & TR have super populations on Connery, so it can suck for the 3rd seat faction that have to face a much larger zerg no matter which way they turn.

    It's really that simple. I bet you'll find VS players on Connery playing on other servers, or they've rerolled on Connery to join the larger pop factions. VS is still a very fine faction to play and they've been one of the easier factions to get into since launch.
  4. m44v

    That's strange, it should be 6!

    edit: actually, nevermind. I made the math with the stats of the other Gauss SAW
  5. Chiggerbite

    In my opinion, one of the problems at hand is that the game is designed to allow players to play multiple factions on the same server. Every faction-based PvP game I've played that allowed this has had population balance issues. You will always have players that want to play whatever faction is FOTM. Because PS2 is F2P, there's no reason NOT to allow someone to play all factions on the same server though... since a person could just go create separate accounts if the option wasn't built into the game.

    This seems like a whole chicken and egg story to me. Do you balance the individual factions to encourage a balanced population or balance the populations to help balance the individual factions? In my opinion, you have to get the populations balanced before you truly know how balanced/unbalanced each faction is (assuming the developers/marketing don't purposely overpower a specific faction to swing the population a certain direction).

    It's hard to say what will work to help balance the populations. My first thought is increasing the low population bonuses might work... but then the 4th faction is just going to jump to whichever faction has the lowest population at any given point. By itself, the bonuses won't accomplish this. Maybe there needs to be penalties for overpopulation of a faction? Maybe the low population bonus should affect more than just experience and resource gain? Maybe some sort of faction 'lock-in' to prevent faction switching for a certain period of time? I'm just not sure what the right approach could be.

    The bottom line is that there needs to be more incentive to have population balance for everyone on a server.
  6. ThereIsNoTry

    I actually would not mind if pop bonuses weren't so bad.

    9% vs 54 and 36% and all you get is a 20% xp bonus. Which sounds like much, but would that make you changing by looking at the numbers and seeing that you are heavily underpopulated and most likely also wg locked?...

    Nobody will come for those 20% if they can just go to the Crown and shoot many poeple without getting shot in the face once they step into sunlight. The pop bonus needs to be way higher when one pop is heavily underpopulated to make people switch the cotinent. Once the pop starts to grow the bonus should drop again drasticaly. But the INITIAL bonus when heavily outnumbered needs to be way bigger.
  7. VSMars

    It's even worse when it's just you vs. 1300 enemies. You get all of ... 27% bonus (that's the maximum at exactly 0% population). You can't be serious, SOE ...
  8. notw2

    THE HELL you talking about KID........Waterson East for a LONG time had a population of say.....45% TR and 20% VS and then 35%NC

    Guess who was always Dominating.....VS

    WHy because VS are the ones Over powered.......There guns in every god dang way are better....
    I avoid Going head to head with Vanu as much as i can because of this reason....I have no issues with NC at all.......but Vanu shooing me as a sniper with a LMG and not missing...YAH not overpowered by anymeans......

    sigh.........Vanu will always BE OVer powered And NC will be the worst.

    out of many that play the game the most complants go for the Vanu being overpowered
  9. Xasapis

    I find that really hard to believe. Maybe they do well in one continent if they all play there, but no way they "dominate".

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but the VS population doesn't leave VS because they are overpowered, but quite the opposite. Right now playing VS is where the challenge is.
  10. Jex =TE=

    L M A O ... what? People like him?

    It should mean nothing because it's a game that you play for fun, we're not an actual faction - get ur head out of the little fantasy land you live in and start understanding that when a game isn't fun, you do something else.
  11. Rusky

    VS pops are down sure, but I honestly think it's down to people not liking the disco guns and latex.

    The nerfs to VS were minimal, and while there was (is ? ) a bug affecting the Mags movement, there was also a bug that made the TR/NC tanks shoot blanks for a while too. I've not heard anyone change faction over a bug before, but there's a first for everything I guess.

    The buffs to the NC/TR tanks and some secondary guns were necessary as they were underperforming compared to the VS equivalents.

    Can't help but wonder where all the "organised" and "mature" players VS had went ? They were all over the place after the UES.

    EDIT: That said, I think pops are down for everyone, maybe just more so for VS. On Ceres there's almost no action whatsoever on Amerish and only 1 fight happening on Esamir usually during primetime.
  12. Yutty

    I'm pretty sure i've seen it low as 18 before
  13. Valeh

    Yeah, Cobalt's all right. I've noticed it's mainly one or two platoons from Vanu trekking en masse to Esamir and Amerish to cap them.
    Esamir actually has pretty decent battles at peak times, though it's not as crowded as Indar is.
    Amerish, sadly, is always empty. :(
  14. the pestimist

    why the **** do they have no bullet drop they have medium rof and the range advantage a range on every ****** gun.
  15. HadesR

    Redesign VS so they are not dressed in spandex with D1ldo shaped helmets and the pop will increase .. Apart from the Infiltrator and Max who ever thought they were aesthetically pleasing needs to borrow Stevie Wonder's Guide Dog
  16. Shockwave44

    That wasn't a bug. It was the nerf they were waiting to use, but not until after they saw how the buffs to the TR/NC tanks panned out but someone put it in anyway.

    As for tanks not shooting,, it also effected all lightnings and skyguards. It's not always about you.
  17. Rusky

    And base turrets. But TR/NC had worthless MBTs.

    "It's not always about you." hahaha.... oh god, those "mature" players have certainly left the VS. Their "maturity" will long be remembered.
    • Up x 1
  18. Idono

    Just shutup already with your whining. You barely got nerfed and rotated once. Every faction now has 1 good spot on each continent. That's about it. Take you'r salty tears and play the game instead.
  19. Xasapis

    What? It annoys you that you're considered the op faction now? Looks like you're the one whining.
  20. Ture

    damn i did not know that... so single burst from Gauss SAW kills you :O
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