VS Cerberus Review in 60 Seconds (Video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by belthazor3457, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Elrobochanco

    I guess price is another factor I hadn't really thought of. If these new guns were 250 certs I would care a lot less about their competitiveness with other guns available per faction. As they are I can't imagine spending 1k certs or $7 and not feeling like a bonehead within minutes.
  2. Cougarbrit

    Yeah that was condensed pretty well, I like it.
  3. OldMaster80

    Simply no reason to by an Inquisitor as long as Underboss and Commissioner cost the same SC/Certs.
  4. gregfox89

    Yeah it seems like a niche sidearm for the infiltrator to me.
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    bad gun. bad dev team. bad bad bad

    where's vanus burstfire pistol?!?! I DEMAND AN OFFICIAL RESPONSE!!!
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  6. SpaceKing

    I was attacked by an Inquisitor today, took a solid 5 seconds to kill me, had I not had the cloak lock bug I could've killed 'em 5 times over with the Underboss...
  7. Zombekas

    Best. Review. Ever.
  8. VSDerp

    price should be 100 - 250 certs at the most.
  9. Zombekas

    We shouldn't get one. NC shouldn't have gotten on either. They could have had some power gun, maybe the revolver could have been NC-only, and then VS could get a charge-up pistol or lasher-like pistol or some crazy new contraption with a mechanic we haven't seen in PS2 so far.

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  10. JudgeDeath

    Best review ever !
  11. somePS2dude.

    You should do all of your vids like this. You can be the Yahtzee of PS2 weapon reviews!
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  12. Xhaleon

    Shame the PS2 Stats website has yet to include the new weapons yet, I'd like to see the usage statistics of the Cerberus versus the other two.
  13. gregfox89

    Pistols are for self defense, you whip them out as a last resort (commissioner is more of a primary, really)
    Charge pistol would be the worst gun ever made, ever
  14. Izriul

    There's a difference between a country mile and a city mile? :O
  15. SuBs

    Please do one of these for every new weapon release!
  16. Demyer

    When you think about it, that's what the cerberus actually is.
    It has burst fire pistol lower max dmg range, bullet velocity, ads and hip accuracy.
    It just happens to fire one 250 round instead of 2 125 rounds.
    So it's an easy to use burst pistol with low dps.
  17. OldMaster80

    Inquisitor time to kill is so ridicolous that I could kill my enemies faster throwing rocks or with bare hands. Or with a fart.
  18. belthazor3457

    Review of the inquisitor is coming tomorrow. = )
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  19. Bill Hicks

    I find it funny that they went through all that trouble to create new models and just swap stats from the other ES pistols. NC should have gotten a shotgun pistol

    TR should have gotten a minigun pistol

    VS should have gotten a saron pistol.
  20. RX530SS

    These aren't the empire specific pistols.. The NC is still getting their shotgun, the TR is still getting their full auto one, and the vs are still getting some pos.
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