VS aren't the only ones with pop problems now I guess

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cougarbrit, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Cougarbrit

  2. Cougarbrit

    Update to cover all servers, copypasted from what would've been an edit to the original post:

    All timezones -5 because less effort on my part and some servers cross timezones anyways, you can change them if you want but it doesn't affect the datalines. Some continent updates seem to have stopped before/around the last GU, not sure what's happening with it. My comments on the pop balance are all obviously TR orientated, you can form your own opinions from the graphs linked.


    TR pls where u go


    Poor Briggs TR, GU4 seems to have exacerbated their problems.


    Looks pretty higgeldy piggeldy to me, VS are consistently low though by the looks.


    Ceres looks strong for the republic. Don't know the current state of it though, only shows up to the 14th for me.


    Helios TR were always the underdogs, doesn't look like the pop %s shifted much this GU.


    My poor homeland, our faction seems to have suffered plenty this GU, the last time I was on we had minimal pop on most continents for many hours, and we lacked the numbers to prevent a VS triple cap.


    Miller TR also seem well represented.


    Totalbiscuit propaganda has helped keep TR heads above the NC flood for now.


    Woodman TR seem to be fans of dancing along the pop lines too, sometimes strong, sometimes weak.


    Mattherson TR are often the lowest too.
  3. Jrgsubzero

    With the prowler nerfed the only blatantly overpowered thing left is the scatmax. They probably rerolled NC.
  4. FnkyTwn

    TR got the 'bad' warpgate on Indar (and arguably on every continent) and a pruning
    to their pride and joy, so it makes sense that some of them would take some time
    off. The Prowler didn't get hit anywhere near as hard as the Magrider did (and the
    other tanks weren't dramatically buffed at the same time), so just give it another
    week and TR will start to trickle back in.

    Nerf + Bad Warpgate = Low Population
  5. TintaBux

    The problem with VS/TR they move around to much (TR/VS/NC) NC guys always stick together no matter the changes and don't change faction after warpgate changes and the like.

    VS & TR population are perfectly fine, like stated the problem is they change factions to easy when they are changes (Not the case with the good outfits but others)
  6. FnkyTwn

    I'm not sure big blanket statements about huge swaths of people is the best way to approach
    that. The other part of it all is that some people move around from game to game as well, and
    after 4 intense months of playing it makes sense that some people would take some time off
    or gravitate to other games entirely. I know that a lot of my friends are busy griefing in Age of
    Wushu, and I hop into LoL weekly to get my Karthus/Volibear on.

    And if you're not playing the other PS2 factions, then the game is going to get stale pretty fast.
    It helps to at least try out the VR room in other factions to understand what you're dealing with,
    and playing on other factions helps you better understand the game.
  7. TintaBux

    It's not a statement it's a fact, check the API data, you can see the trend. When VS got that south east warpgate they moved to TR/NC. Now they have the north on most servers they have moved back to VS (So maybe would explain some of TR going missing also)
  8. Kunotron

    I'm sure as soon as the scatmax gets neutered, the NC will start jumping ship faster than a Carnival Cruise.
  9. hawken is better

    Where did the TR go? Since when have the TR left? The global graph doesn't show any significant amount of TR leaving, it shows a constant trend amongst all factions where less and less people are playing at any given time, with the population distribution remaining pretty much the same (NC>TR>VS in number of players).

    Either way, Jaegerson TR hasn't gone anywhere, even though TB left ages ago. I had made a post about this in another thread, but meh, don't feel like digging it up.
  10. DeeX

    I'm pretty sure this will nerver happen. Did you see the Planetside 2 "sneakpeak" interviews with all the devs? Most of them play NC so I guess they will keep their baby as it is
  11. GamerOS

    They'll find not much use then, outside and biolabs and the interior of towers Scat Maxes are not very usefull, while the Mag rider and Prowler could be used almost everywhere.
  12. TintaBux

    No they won't, facts tell you otherwise.
  13. NightmareP69

    TR pop finally goes down in almost every server EXCEPT IN MY FREKIN' SERVER.
    I think i'm gonna go nuts. I haven't seen the population on Ceres balanced for 2 months now.
    Eather the TR have 45% pop or the NC have 45% while VS has 28% most of the time.
  14. Cougarbrit

    A: Did you not look back on the graph? TR is quite visibly getting proportionately smaller. The data doesn't stretch as far back as I'd like but it goes far enough.
    B: TB hasn't quit, he's said as much himself, he just lacks the tie, he's promised for further propaganda vids though, and occassionally comments about it.
  15. WideFrustum

    Yeah Briggs TR was hit fairly hard by the last GU. Doesn't stop us from pushing out strongly on Indar when we can get at least half organised. Had some good fights with the VS up near howling pass in a back and forth battle between Howling Pass and Mao over a few hours the other day.

    We can push but cannot hang on to much that we cap. And then the NC wake up and start pushing Tawrich which puts us on the back foot again.

    Haven't even mentioned the other continents, which are perpetually held by NC or VS outside of op nights (even then we lose those continents quite fast once capped).
  16. TheWhiteDragon

    Actually, the pop on Helios has changed. NC has gained almost 4 percentage points. They are now consistently at 42% pop.

    To make matters worse NC have focused almost entirely on Saurva and Allatum. Things were kinda boring for TR last night. There was nobody to fight on the east.
  17. CrashB111

    When the ScatMAX gets nerfed you will lose your 4th Empire people.
  18. iamrob7

    As has been stated in other threads and as I've stated in other threads, this is all about the warpgates.

    It's called the "Warpgate effect".

    NC have ****** warpgates = threads of NC are underpowered, NC pop wasn't such a problem as it was the start of the game but NC pop grew hugely once they left those warpgates

    VS have ****** warpgates = threads of VS are underpowered, VS pop going down

    TR have ****** warpgates = threads of TR are underpowered, TR pop going down

    How people don't realise by now that this is all down to the warpgates is beyond me. Having the ****** warpgates will make your faction feel underpowered because you will be put into worse combat situations continually, then your pop will start to drop and it will snowball.

    A large chunk of the player base does not like to be on the perceived losing side or struggling side. They will just leave.

    This has NOTHING to do with the Prowler nerf. The Prowler is still extremely powerful. The VS population going down had NOTHING to do with the Magrider nerf. To anyone with half a brain this should be obvious by now. Tiny disparities in the strength of guns/tanks/planes mean almost nothing compared to huge geographical changes. The TR still have arguably the best overall equipment set in the game, at worst the overall differences between factions in that regard are tiny.

    We are only a few days into GU04 and I've never seen the TR pop dip as low as it has done the last couple of nights on Cobalt. The TR were getting spanked everywhere and their pop just started to drop, they started to give up. Pop is still decent during most of the day, but by night they seem like they are exhausted by being battered so much. Previously the TR had slightly higher population than the VS but lower than the NC. In servers where the TR had the highest or much closer to the NC population, I expect this issue will take longer to appear.
  19. TintaBux

    Nothing will change for NC after it's nerfed.
  20. Zaik

    You can tell when the Enclave logs in.