VS are the nicest people.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Syrathin

    I'm pretty much always polite to everyone. If I happen to TK someone even if it wasn't my fault I always send em a /tell and apologize, If I just wound them slightly I at least hit v8.

    Tonight I ended up TK'ing the same friendly twice, The first time was my fault but the second time we were side by side shooting the same TR and he weaved over in front of me.
    I sent him a quick apology and got this as a response "...Second time...come on....". I could've pointed out that it was hardly my fault since he side strafed right in front of me but I doubt he would of felt any better about it and it wouldn't have done me any good either.

    I will say people are pretty cool if you take the time to type out a quick apology, I've gotten the occasional rude or profane response but the majority of them have been understanding and surprisingly friendly.
    There are good people on every faction and server, I haven't really noticed any one being much worse than the others but I don't play on Matherson and if the forums are any indication that would probably have an effect on my opinion.
  2. theholeyone

    Do you find them civilised to play against as well? Now that would be the mark of a truly chivalrous faction.
  3. Kociboss

    There are both nice people douches everywhere, the sheer fact to which faction they belong does not matter.
  4. Nogrim313

    started leveling my TR alt, the difference is noticeable, i feel spoiled on my vanu now

    it is one of those things that is generally contagious though after a few hours running as TR i noticed an increase in the "sorrys" and revives, my first observation was how few medics connery TR seem to run in comparison, and how few of them ever actually revive
  5. HadesR

    Never hurts to hit V and either sorry or thank you depending on the situation ... If possible I will always try and say thank you for Heals / Revives or ammo drops ..

    Good people and idiots on all 3 sides .. Only have to read /yell to notice that :p

    But overall I think the majority of the player base is pretty good .. But maybe I'm to easy going and forgiving
  6. maxkeiser

    I always try to be helpful - repairing, parking vehicles properly and trying to defend teammates etc. Also, I use the V + 1-9 keys a lot. Vanu tend to, in my experience.

    Playing Vanu with the people I play with (KOTV - WOODMAN) is just great fun though. Such a great bunch of guys, very funny on voice and good leadership. Every night there is fun to be had.
  7. SpetV

    Depends on what server you're playing. On Waterson some of them will shoot you just to make sure you're not an enemy. I almost got killed many times by those idiots.
  8. Elbryan

    No they are not.

    They always shoot at me. =(

    And they are mocking us on /yell by saying we are only able to zerg and even then can't beat them. Even when the pop on the hex is 60% VS. =(
  9. Izriul

    Ahhh you're Errol.

    Way back on release I lead (but didn't want to lead and kept stating I didn't want to lead but apparently nobody cared and kept asking me what to do, where to go) a platoon on Amerish and we ended up continent locking. Then you made a post on the forum saying thanks. At least, I "think" it was you, but there's a maxsomething running around and I always thought you were him.

    Always had signatures off that's why I never noticed, though their back off again
  10. Pikachu

    NC are usually nice. But a few days ago some sniper got angry because I hit him in the back with my phoenix. He didn't die and we were both in the spawn building 2nd floor, yet he decided to kill me. -.-
  11. Giggily

    If you're getting upset by people spamming a joke catchphrase from a 90s children's anime I have some bad news for you.
  12. Ganelon

    Now where's this picture of a VS telling one of my outfit members that he wished my outfit member's family would die of cancer......
  13. Negator

    Bill didnt say we were nice to the enemy.
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  14. Fang7.62

    I noticed that VS medics are really devoted to their job, lots of times I saw them res ppl under my goddamn hands after I just killed them, then the medic, then the next medic, then I had to reload and died, they all ress'd each other like I never did anything. Well, good ol medic spam.

    And I usually see at least one engi attached to every VS Max, pubbies or not.

    When playing NC you can expect NC grenade to land wherever there's more then one NC without a single apology.
    You will be shot by NC.
    You will be ran over.
    Your flashes will get ran over.
    Your tanks will be blocked from backing off and destroyed by friendly debris.
    Your reaver will get rammed by friendly reaver, you can't escape.
    You wont get ressed ever even if there's 5 NC medics standing on top of a dead scatmax.
    You wont get ammo.
    You wont get repairs.
    You wont get transport.
    You wont get 2nd seat gunners.
    They will find you and TK you and your whole family.

    Welcome to the NC.
  15. Koldorn

    You know... just the other day I was soloing it up on Indar; and we had a bunch of random pubbies scattered about running toward an air tower. Recipe for shotgun based disaster right here. Noticed; no one has a bus. I should get a bus...

    So went back to the nearest outpost; pulled a sundy. My mini map showed 5 randomly scattered indicators running outward from the base. Made a quick loop around and picked them each up. Even found a wild zoe-crab lost in the desert en-route to the tower, it looked dehydrated and confused. Parked; filled up the poor thing's ammo clips, bandaged up that broken claw... and together we set fire to the NC's tower.

    When the NC showed up; I couldn't help but laugh at all the grenades that were bouncing off the spawn room shields... right back into their own forces... It was actually almost sad.

    Its probably just coincidence; beting we're no nicer / worse then any random assortment of people, but I do try to make a difference.
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  16. Fang7.62

    Yeh, grenades in spawnrooms... When was the last time I saw it, hm? Ah I know, yesterday! :D We had immense fight going on for quite some time considering how badly we were overrun so finally we had the tower itself crawling with VS, me mattocks on each arm, and 80 kills so far with about 2 revives (VS HA decimator assisted by NC decimator btw :D). Then me and three other scatmaxes had to clear A point when that entire floor turned into giant NC/VS ball of chaos. We cleared the floor (I wish this game had blood and gore because the whole floor would be really messy :D) but I noticed there was a C4 brick floating near my face, following me around since then. So I went back to spawn, intended to get flak armor, get my outfit buddies to safely detonate it and repair me, but as I entered the spawn FULL of useless idiots, a NC grenade went off in it.. The VS medic/la who placed it on me must have died of laughter when watching his respawn screen because it killed two other maxes getting repaired there, some engies and other idiots camping in the spawn.

    That is how most epic fights and killstreaks end in the NC, friendly kills you in the stupidest way possible :D
  17. Shinniok

    I'll drop my theory here of why Vanu, IN GENERAL LINES, has more sympathetic ppl: Imagine those 15-yo irrascible cod-players-ifkedurmom guys... the ones that rage all over the place, etc. Imagine them creating a PS2 character.

    "Terran... red! blood!gore!menstruation! yaaaay ! "
    "NC, blue kicks ***, and those guitars are awesome ! "
    " Violet?... too gayfagg for my swag skillzxo0xz "

    Vanu, i think, immediatly reflects swagforjesus guys *-*, make them question themselves about their sexuality.

    EDIT: Fang7, i laughed so hard at your sig xD
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  18. ovakin

    I'm Waterson NC, /tells from VS are most of the times nicer than from TR. NC has people ranged from nicest Canadian ever to total ******* ***** ***** ******** - ***** mama **** in the ******** to **** then ****** ***** ********.
  19. DeathTollDavid

    You definitely want to hook up with people who are nice like this and stick with them. I avoided joining an outfit because it just isnt my thing but met some guys that were not only funny but were really great at playing as a team and teaching new players. So I ended up joining them last week at the rank of 50. I waited a loooong time. :)

    To me the good people are what make the game fun. Especially when everyone wants to get goofy and not be too serious and just do crazy stuff.
  20. Canaris

    I think one of the funniest moments I've had in game is when we were camping a VS spawn room and there was loads of them inside, the base flips and you have the usual madness as people run in and out of the spawn room and all hell breaks loose firing wise with bullets grenades & explosives going in all directions (overkill) as the TR chase down the VS hares, TK's ensue, some random TR shouts "CEASE FIRE YOU'RE HITTING TR" and everyone stops shooting at the same time and it goes quiet
    Someone else screams "Medic!"
    The medics move in and ress the dead, as soon as the last guy is on his feet the whole area is spammed with with everyone apologizing in voice macros,

    "That's on me"
    "My bad"
    "My fault"

    Everyone is patched up, rearmed and repaired and we all move out together again. :)
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