VR room left out?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jerox, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. Jerox

    Sooo are the new problems in the VR room just going to be added to the list of problems with VR that still have to be fixed but aren't going to get fixed as they aren't a priority? Like the problem of splash damage not working?

    I mean as of now there's not a lot of reason going into VR unless you want to try out aesthetics, vehicles or attachment-less weapons as most of the attachments don't function correctly and neither do the abilities.

    Now I know it's not THAT important as it doesn't affect any of the gameplay outside of the VR room, but it would be nice to have the ability again to try out weapons with attachments that actually work.
    Resupply-able grenades are nice I guess (I didn't even know that wasn't possible before the patch lol), but I'd think that fixing the attachments or making splash damage work would be more important.
    As of now the VR room just looks so neglected imo.
  2. Prudentia

    Don't even tempt them to fix the VR room. they broke the cert/ressource buy again so i can unlock all the Special grenades on my alts without certinvestment :rolleyes: