[Suggestion] Vote for home planet

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkManz, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. DarkManz

    Okey.. As we now have it, Hossin is our home planet, the others just unlock at a alert. What I suggest is that there comes a In-Game vote per server that allows players to vote for their favorite map. The vote manu would stay for aprox 2 days and the winning map would become the new home planet.

    Hereby players can enjoy their favorite planets and they arent stuck to hossin.

    I know, I know, we already got a alert system that allows players to go back to their favorited planet but, havent you noticed, once the battles are getting the biggest, the alert seems to end and you'll go back to Hossin, having to start a new battle.

    *PS. I know that some players don't even like Hossin, their now forced to play on there just because the other planets are locked/no action*
  2. Verviedi

    Planets? What? I play on Emerald, and there's always fights on the other conts.
  3. Regpuppy

    I'm not sure what the point of this is, especially when the long term plan is to have the continents linked up in their own lattice for the capture gameplay.
  4. Kevin49704

    I know this is a little thing but does it bother anyone else he calls them planets?
  5. vsae

    Muh Dagobah
  6. SevenTwo

    Continents, not planets. :p

    If people don't like to play on Hossin, there is always at least one more continent unlocked to play on - and if that continent isn't contested, people can cap the continent, take control and rotate the "maps" as they desire.

    The main reason most people play Hossin is probably due to a lot of players being bored to death with the other three after only having those to play on for a year and a half.

    Face it, Hossin is the new Indar, at least until it stops being "early expedition" and it gets the same status as the other continents.

    Why Hossin is still early expedition I have no idea. You'd think the worst design snafus would have been ironed out after almost three months of "live" testing - it's about time that it gets put into regular rotation.
    • Up x 1
  7. Archiadus

    They just like having the "beta" tag I guess :rolleyes: :
