Voice your opinion! What do you think SOE did well?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tar, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Dieter Perras

    I like their monotization method. Buying something feels like I'm 8 years old on Christmas again rather then the game trying to take money from me.
  2. cruczi

    What is "monotization"?
  3. ChampagneDragon

    - They've made a grind that is a good balance. You have to grind to get a new gun, but not feel like you'll never get there.

    - It is NOT p2w. I've spend a whopping 35-40$ on this game and don't feel like I HAVE to sub to be competitive. I put that money in simply because I feel it was right to give a bit back.

    -It IS visually stunning when you've got a good machine. I didn't realize just how amazing it was until I could see everything on high/ultra settings. Hats off to the art team!

    - Despite the occasional issue, it is pretty damn balanced right now. There are certain areas in all factions that lack, and other areas that are stronger. They balance pretty well. (I'd still like those stupid A/V mana turrets and those who use them tossed in the trash ;) )

    -SOE has done fantastic with the constant updates, especially when it comes to optimization. We're nearly 18 months post release and we're getting almost weekly updates. Sony IS listening.

    - The in game chat is an awesome tool. Even though my outfit uses TS, I find it extremely helpful in communicating with those around me. I also love to be able to lead those who are not part of my outfit in an organized manner.
    • Up x 1
  4. John_Aitc

    Beautiful and diverse continents.
    Reacted strongly with OMF:G to make the game better for more players.
    Removed the bases' cookie cutter feeling of the beta days.
    Tons of employee participation with the player community through various sources. (Mostly because I think Maggie keeps a cattle prod in her desk drawer to keep bringing us new people to FNO, but whateva')
    They were willing to listen to the community and pull back Implants that will generate money for them so the system could get a second look/sanity check.
  5. Dieter Perras

    how they make money off the game, because it is F2P they had to be creative with it and make it in a way that would make them money and not turn off players.

    P.S. I probably butchered the spelling of the word too :oops: