Visible vehicle crewmembers and pilots.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SuBs, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. SuBs

    So the game has been out for quite a bit of time now, and yet this still has not been implemented. Yet another little omission making the game feel unfinished.

    So PS2 dropped enter/exit animations and there are no plans for their return, but come on... At the very least, you should be able to see pilots through the glass of their cockpits and drivers/passengers in the Harasser and Sunderer.

    Does this bother the rest of you? And can we make an issue of it so that it doesn't stay below the radar forever?
  2. bodmans

    um, why? and hello, we enter vehicles by completely merging with them as nanites. having to open a door is prehistoric.
    • Up x 1
  3. Neckaru

    This right here. You actually ram into the vehicle as quickly and forcefully as possible to become one with it.
  4. Madcat9

    It is weird though looking into the cockpit of fighters and seeing no one sitting in the seat.
  5. SuBs

    I think they were doing that old sarcasm jig.
  6. Madcat9

    Yep but sometimes I prefer to quote off someone rather than declaring something in a thread. >.<