[Video] Tutorial - Aim and skill part 2 - Burst fire

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Matti, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Matti

    Hi all!
    My in my latest video I tried to show how to figure out the best mouse sensitivity
    to get a better aim. This is the follow up on that will focus on burst fire, it's impact
    on the bullet spread and why I use burst fire.
    I can not cover all I would want to talk about in one video but if you guys like it I
    will come out with more simular videos in the future.
    I hope this helps.
    Good Luck!!
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  2. SerialNumber1221

    Yeah this is good info mate...

    YesterdayI was screwing around with recoil and spread testing on a NC HA gun...can't remember which one, not the Gauss, I think it was a ed or something....

    But after performing tests like you showed,when I full auto with that gun I now aim for the feet and more often than not, get a headshot....

    Please make more of these showing the different weapons of all factions....
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  3. Matti

    I hope you figure out what works for you and the weapons you use.
    I might come out with something simular in the future, burst fire is a big topic
    and there is a lot of different ways of bursting and a broad variaty in how to use it.
  4. Pixelshader

    nerf NC weapons
  5. Matti

    Why should NC weapons get nerfed, something in the video?
  6. Pixelshader

    just joking =.=

    I've seen nothing but NC weapon hate on this forum "buff nc now omg! nc weapons underpowered!" but your video shows the mercenary is more than capable.
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  7. Crywalker

    Well I've been playing wrong and now consider myself a monkey with a digital gun.
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  8. High303

    Thank You Matti. Very valuable videos. This one, and previous tutorial about mouse sensitivity.
    I'm new to fps gaming and your videos show things I wouldn't think of.
    Now I know I have to spend more time training and trying to improve my skills and my settings.

    I'm a little confused about that sensitivity you talk about in first part. You state that usual distance mouse has to be moved for full 360* in-game turn is about 20-25cm. When I checked mine it was about 2-3 cm. First I thought that you mistook cm with mm, but I did some further research and all people talk about cm. I used to move my mouse mostly with my wrist, maybe with slight forearm moves. But I found some yt videos showing gamers that move forearms and whole arm a lot.
    I feel a little stupid now.
    Can you guys describe settings you use? I use Logitech G300 mouse. In Windows settings acceleration turned off. In mouse config I set dpi to 2000. In game mouse sensitivity set to default 50 (middle position), or between 45-60 when trying to find best settings. But it seems that it's fare too sensitive that most of you use.
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  9. The King

    You set it to however you like.
    I lay on my bed to play and moving my arm is not good. I'm moving my wrist.
    I used to have to much less for games like CS:S where I can get avg of 3:1 KDR on good servers or 10-20:1 on crappy.
    But since I haven't played that game for a few years and haven't games for 2 years after I stopped playing and changing to a new PC, I've lost my mouse sensitivity setting. Since I used the touchpad so much, it was hard to get back into it.
    But now I use a mouse and lay on the bed with my 10.5feet projected image.

    I don't do bad because I am used to it. Many people also have their sensitivity like you or me.
    Once you get used to it, you will get better. But keep changing it will just mess it up.
    So, it's up to you to decide what you want to have it on.
    Set it to slow where you move your arm much more and play it for a day or two. Then you will not notice (or an hour or two) that you're doing that and it just comes natural.
  10. sosolidshoe

    After your last video, I've been steadily reducing my mouse sensitivity ingame each week, and I notched down the DPI on my mouse as well, and I have indeed found it much easier to track targets. Plus, I'm finally using more than a few square inches of the huge XFX Warpad mousemat I bought ages ago for some daft reason :p

    Burst fire is always something I've struggled with tbh, I always did better in the more arcade-y shooters, so I frequently forget to do it in high-stress scenarios, but you're absolutely correct that it's a powerful tool in a game with realistic or semi-realistic weapon mechanics.

    Out of interest, if anyone reading this has played both NC and VS; if I liked the handling of the Mercenary, and wanted to find the VS carbine that was most similar, which would be the best choice do you think?
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  11. Matti

    Nothing to feel stupid about, we all learn every day if we are open about things around us =)

    First of all finding out your mouse sensitivity can take a long time, I have been struggeling with it for years and so have
    a lot of my clan-mates in the eSport community. Finding out what works best for you can only be decided by you and
    you just need to take the time to figure it out, trial and error =). Trust what ever feels right and makes it the easiest to
    find an keep your aimn on the target.
    I also move my arm a lot when playing, many players don't like that and there for have a higher sensitivity, it's all individual.

    I use a G500 with 800 Dpi
    in game mouse sens. 0.07
    All mouse smoothing and acceleration off

    Good luck!!
  12. Crywalker

    Hmm I've been trying this and I'm more effective, even with NC guns, going full auto. Do you need a gun with the 3x burst mode? Was trying to get the same effect from the mercenary which I thought you were using but I cannot get the same effect.

    Basically, my gun still recoils up a lot when tap firing quickly, the crosshair doesn't return to the where it was for the first burst, it's less horizontal recoil but overall not much difference. Could be I'm just bad at it.
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  13. Matti

    Ok, the bursting in it self does not prevent recoil, you still have to recoil compensate just like I did when fireing full auto
    on the wall. What happens if you can control this is that the bullet spread is redused and if you can tap fast enough
    without loosing control you will fire almost as fast as with full auto. This is how I try to get the most
    amount of bullets on my target and deal as much damage as possible as fast as possible =)

    Good Luck!
  14. IMTasty

    First off, very well made video Matti. Props+ for wanting to help people. Watching them the last 2 days annoyed the crap out of me because I've not played with proper settings since I quit CS 7 years ago or so, not played much fps (BF2, and BF2142 only) since then so my mouse pad got smaller and my sensitivity higher. So after watching them I could not resist the urge to go get a proper mouse mat, mouse and trim down on my sensitivity again. God damn you. :)

    Second off, for a few of the people who still worry about mouse sense asnd such and wonder how people can play with low sense. It does not have that much to do with the actual mouse itself (it still plays a part obviously), but imo having a big mouse mat so you have the room to move your mouse around that much. And it's something a lot of people underestimate or do not know.

    Personally I can recommend Puretrak Talent, Razer Goliathus Speed and SteelSeries QCK+. It really makes a huge difference compared to a normal mouse pad both in how much better they pick up the mouse movement but mostly with how the large size allows you to check out and try difference sensitivities if you are a low sense user. Gotta have space on the desktop though. :)

    Like Matti said, the upwards recoil will still be there, in fact until you get used the recoil being more on-off-on-off it might actually feel a little worse compensating with quick burst fire. There is nothing you can do to remove upwards recoil, it's simply something you need to compensate for by moving the mouse down. Once you've practiced it enough though any amount of upwards recoil on any gun in the game will be rendered almost nonexistent to you. Compensating will feel natural and come by itself eventually.

    And no he's not going full auto at any point in time. With a slower ROF weapon you can taptaptaptap (not holding down the button at any time, just tapping) really quickly, however if that kills your fingers or you got a faster ROF weapon you can get a similar effect by shooting 2-3 bullets, tap, 2-3 bullets, tap and so on. Will not be as accurate though so at some point you might need to let you cof settle down, takes half a second at most. :)
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  15. MykeMichail

    For every bullet you don't fire whilst bursting as NC, a TR player puts 2 into you.
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  16. VodkaGR

    What i learned from this video

    - The night vision scope is OP

    - I somehow need to shoot someone 2 times more than that to kill him

    - I need to lead much more than that

    - PS2 gun mechanics are ******** and the gun doesn't shoot where it points
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  17. TheBloodEagle

    Excellent video. NC players are finally going to understand that their weapons actually rock and that the SAW is a beautiful weapon.
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  18. Matti

    The balance of the IR/NV scope is a matter of opinion, you will not get any long range kills with it
    'cause you will simply not see people far away, not sure about the exact range.

    If you need to shoot twice as much you probably only hit with half the amount of bullets
    and your bulletspread is too high, that's what I am trying to help you guy's with.

    If you need to lead much more than that you might be playing with high ping, against other high ping players
    or you might experience server lagg.

    PS2 guns are very easy to control, there are many games out there where this actually takes time and
    dedication to learn. There are some differences to the individual guns, stick with one or two and learn them.

    Best of luck too you!
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  19. Redshift

    nice video
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  20. Matti

    Thanks buddy!

    You are right on the money understanding the tutorial and using the info to your avantage.
    I'm glad it's apriciated and more is coming =)