[Video] T5 AMC

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Matti, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Matti

    Hi all!

    I have been using this carbine for a while now and It's starting to
    become my favourite for TR engie class. It is rather simular to
    the Pulsar C actually and I have a recent video of that as well,
    I will put it in the description.

    • Up x 1
  2. Laxlu

    Matti, i'm surprised you didn't use NS-11C yet. Might give it a try since you auraxiumed them all. NS or an S grade carabine with a UBSG for a close combat slap in the face. Burst fire is good but aren't fun to use.
    What you think gonna use after get all carabines maxed out? About that LA, he probably kill you already, so what's why your hits didnt register.