[VIDEO] PureSalad's Reaver A2A

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PureSalad, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. PureSalad

  2. Grayson

    Turned it off after 1min, my ear hurts so bad...now i have to listen to some actual music for at least an hour...
    • Up x 1

    You could have muted it. There's no other sounds so you wont miss anything. But I do agree, that 'song' was awful.
  4. PureSalad

    Lol so carebear. 4 minutes of dubstep doesnt kill you. The rest is not so bass cannon.
  5. Crazy Airborne

    nice vid man, glad to see CT representing in there in a few places, also got a kick out of the reverse maneuver in VR, that was cool.