[Video] Power of the Gauss SAW (VS player on NC alt)

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by freeze, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. freeze

    so... got around to try the gauss saw again.

    you NC guys need to stop complaining ;)

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  2. Flashtirade

    I think there's a general consensus among the forum-goers that the SAW is a great weapon, it just takes a bit of a time and cert investment. Hell, I'll personally tell off any NC who complains about it. Except for the reload, I'll give them that.
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  3. Sebyos

    Honestly it's just way too good. I don't get the idea of giving such good weapons to an already faceroll class.
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  4. KnightCole

    Yes, NC need to quit complaining about the NC6. It sucks stock and is a pita to level up with, but once its certed...boy is it a nice one. Finicky at times, but overall, very nice.
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  5. TestyVenom

    The Gauss Saw was never a problem (after launch). I like it.
  6. Mekhazzio

    To you, that is a video demonstrating a weapon of unusual reach and power.

    To the NC, it was last Tuesday.
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  7. TrainerS2

    (VS player on NC alt)

    lol I cant even think how stupid you must be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    TROLL !!!!!!
  8. MGP

    Here's an average NC player for you.
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  9. Kulantan

    I personally like the Gauss Saw quite a lot. It is perfect for those mid to long range almost trench combat type fights with lots of standing still and lots of cover. It got fantastic standing still accuracy and godly damage per clip for an unextend magazine.

    However if you look at SPH or K/D or really any other metric of actual play by players its downsides of shoddy moving accuracy, can't hit a barn hipfire, long reload and low dps actually do balance it. It is pretty much the same in SPH and K/D as the other starter gun. In fact the Orion has the same K but a low D.
  10. mercenarynr6485464

    i like the saw, but it's rate of fire makes it something i'm not that good with as i aim poor
    still use it on my second loadout, but i prefer the gd-22 for closer range
  11. CupBoy

    I don't think there's that many people complaining about the SAW - other than the usual TR ranting about their supposedly inferior CARV.
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  12. PS2Freak

    tr just want to be good at Cqc as well on long range, that is way too much good for them...

    + our lore is "hit harder but fire slower" ... why people complain, if they need to blame themselfs, because they made a "wrong" choice.

    i want have "lore" trademark weapon of that faction, even if i play for other...

    please get real.
  13. Mekhazzio

    There's no "supposedly" to it; the CARV is objectively terrible. It's either the worst or 2nd-worst in its class in every single category except rate of fire. It has the usual poor accuracy & recoil of a CQC spewgun, while also having the poor hipfire of a mid-range LMG. It's technically not the *worst* LMG in the game, but that's only because the CARV-S is a thing that exists.
  14. CupBoy

    Except that performance data suggests that the default LMGs are pretty damn balanced.

    But let me guess, you trust your gut more than actual data.
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  15. Bankrotas

    I'm making this post just to state that this was best Street fighter movie refference I've ever heard.
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  16. Kociboss

    Try it yourself and tell me honestly, with your hand on your heart, that you would take it over SAW.
  17. ClickMe

    I watched you kill oblivious players for a minute, then die to your first 1on1 where you actually got shot back.

    Closed, went to read something else.
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  18. CupBoy

    On average, TR are doing just as good with the CARV as the NC are with the SAW. It's not that hard to understand. What you or I prefer is beside the point.
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  19. mindbomb

    a 1x reflex on a saw? doesn't that defeat the purpose somewhat of a long range gun?

    best gun with a 1x scope is probably the orion.
  20. Torok

    video starts
    op scores a kill
    starts reloading..
    ... quickly stops the reloading because he noticed it's too damn long huehueuehueh

    ...ok i'll watch the rest of the clip sorry
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