[Video]Okay SOE, what exactly is going on here?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hawken is better, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. hawken is better

    Normal ping to the server (Waterson) is around 55-75.
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  2. Liberty

    Hah! Glad someone was able to capture the real hit detection issues. I counted at least 2 or 3 head shot markers in there. That alone should have been 572 to 852 (or half to more than 3/4) of their HP even if they had nanoweave 5.

    Also LOL @ a 37 bullet kill at that range.
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  3. Hicksimus

    It's called ubercharge.
  4. NinjaTurtle

    This is one of the reasons I have played once in a month.

    Hit detection is way off and my ping is often jumping to 600ish
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  5. hawken is better

    And I thought I was aiming at his head the entire time. I guess all those bullets-to-kill charts are way off.

    "7 bullets to kill within 0.5 meters, 15 bullets to kill at 5 meters... 37 bullets to kill at 15 meters."
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  6. Pootisman

    Whats going on? Normal PS2 gameplay. This is the state of infantry combat at the moment. The main reason why i canceled my membership.
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  7. Iridar51

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  8. Corporate Thug

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  9. Pootisman

    u wot m8

    My ping never goes above 10,000ms *green with envy*
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  10. FateJH

    I don't understand how people have these issues.

    Also, as to the video, it looks like many of his shots are landing near or below the neck, except towards the end.
  11. Liberty

    You definitely were, even if they were neck shots the bloom after that many bullets should have landed more than a few.

    It is all over the place though, some people die in 9 to 15 bullets, others take 40+.
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  12. Regpuppy

    Putting things in perspective, ping from the moon under ideal conditions would be around 3000 ms. :eek:
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  13. z1967

    Yeah, but NASA has all the cool stuff (Some really BA equipment, too). Your local ISP, unless they actually have a local competitor, is probably giving you less of what you want (fast internet) and more of what they want (more money). Every ISP I have seen thus far does this and it gets even worse when they have no direct competition in your area.

    But yeah, Hit detection is off. They are fixing it and will get out a patch as soon as it is ready.
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  14. Ronin Oni

    Can't wait personally :\

    Really hoping they have it done by merge + Hossin time (ie; next week hopefully :p )
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  15. hawken is better

    The strange thing about it is that I didn't start getting headshots until I accidentally overcompensated for the recoil and started shooting at his neck/upper chest (which is towards the end of the engagement). Either way, even if they were all body shots, it shouldn't have taken 37 of them :(
  16. Jetlag

    Is it worrying that I didnt understand what was wrong with the video? This looks like every single time I engage as infantry...
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  17. Ripshaft

    Hm this video is the first I've ever seen that actually appears to be demonstrating an abnormality/problem with normal hit registration. It certainly gave me pause and I had to watch it a number of times to pick up on some of what was going on.

    I still can say nothing particularily conclusive about it based just on that video (also thank you so much for uploading a good quality video!), though I can say for sure;

    There was definitely a data problem, I suspect it was the server but it may well be you (though i really doubt it based on reasoning below) - if you watch the minimap (look at the flight pad) you can plainly see people flying around or rubber banding. This I think is the most important part for framing the issue, as it's consistent with the mountain of evidence showing how the game normally works... basically the most sensible explanation is that something is seriously out of the ordinary in this situation, as this is not normal at all, as opposed to concluding that this abnormal event is representative of normalcy.

    The fight lasted about 3 seconds, during which time ~30 shots were fired, give or take 1 round or so. I'm not sure on the weapon or the level of accuracy, but based on the sound I don't think it would be unfair to say that at least 80% of the shots hit and registered, only one of which was registered as a headshot. At least one shot can be confirmed to have either not hit or not registered via the absence of the hit marker, though I cannot tell which is the case.

    The sound, assuming there's not a sound bug, is indicating the presence of nanoweave, however assuming the medic had maxxed nanoweave, had a friend lay down a maxxed shield regen and was using max nano-regen, this would only allow him to tank ~11-13 non headshot rounds in a 3 second timeframe. Given the most highly unrealistic circumstances (all the previous, plus quaffing a regen kit and being healed by someone with a med tool), he still should have gone down in that time, given what was being reported by the hit markers (I think, correct me if I'm wrong, haven't tested heal tool rate or stackability).

    Now that's what is really not fitting together for me, the hit markers. You don't get hit markers unless the server has acknowledged your hit, but if the hit was acknowledged, why didn't the guy go down? The most consistent hypothesis based on all data thusfar is to modify my previous assumption that hit awknowledgement and damage are sent at the same time - this seems to conflict with the video presented.

    As for what's going on? I don't know specifically, but something extremely unusual. Previously established bodies of evidence point to server issues, and asynchronous processing of hit acknowledgements and damage.

    I really would love to know what actually is going on there myself though. At the very least you've helped progress our understanding of how the server moderates these processes, though it'll probably be awhile before we're able to draw any conclusions on it.


    I'm not going to go much into the whole "aiming for the head" bit, for two main reasons - one, it really doesn't matter compared to what the game was telling you (that there was only a single headshot at the end) - and two because it's rather hard to say for sure if he was actually hitting the head - to elaborate, when you're shooting up a small incline, the chest hit area obscures the lower head hit area, and you basically need to aim at the mid-face to forehead to get a headshot, now based on how the sight was bobbing across this area, and the rate of fire of the weapon, you'd expect headshots right? .... welll no actually, the gun model, including the sight is purely cosmetic (as other players have repeatedly shown), and the actual bullet origin and target is the middle of the screen, accurate to the crosshairs you view in hipfire. If you watch the video and wait for the crosshairs to converge while he's not ads, and then put your fingernail on the crosshair line, and hold it there while he's shooting at the dude, you'll see it's pretty unclear if he should actually be getting headshots or not (the centre is definitely on upper chest 95% of the time), despite it seeming really clear when you first watch the video that he should.
  18. Kunavi

    InB4 "Your PC SUCKS YOUR ISP SUCKS YOU SUCK" kind of replies, best case you'll get replies from people who offered that explanation before Smed confirmed it was ServerSide2 all over, saying they are perplexed by that confirmation, trying to make their previous opinion look legit. I know I've had enough of "It's you m8, You/YourPC/ISP suck #*(& &$# in (#&$". And yes it's worse if you're TR since the guns kick like mules to begin with. Throw in occasional bad days and you get a whole lot of frustration. Glad they're fixing it.

    What you have in this vid is what's happening to me too, 6 or 7 out of 10 fights. Along with momentary spikes up to 600MS or so(No reason, only in PS2) and FPS still being very inconsistent(In one fight I'll have 80ish, in another similar fight I'll have 30ish, FPS range is 200+ down to even ~20). Let me guess what some people will tell me, that's all "On my end and I need a new PC"... AMIRITE?...

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  19. Iridar51

    Wait, there are different hit sounds for nanoweave? Live and learn.
  20. Plunutsud pls

    They added that feature with implants but I have not seen the feature itself explained in any patch notes.

    When you hit a target with increased resistance to the type of damage you're dealing to them (small arms vs. nanoweave, explosive vs. flak) you hear a peculiar sound.