[Video] Nexus Battle Island

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. Staticsilver

    Lol sorry just listed some arena examples, never said they where bad or good :( , but yea these won't be instanced battles cept for MLG guys like Ash said, they will be part of the game as well, though i still feel the one lane nature will be pulling away from tactics a bit, but again operating on a 48 man scale, who can tell, though CMON SOE, not December, my head will be beaten to a bloody pulp against the wall by then.

    EDIT: we also better be getting these interiors in the mean time, they look so much cooler already or at least they would add more variety than the same interior in every major facility on every continent, pwease :(
  2. Minimum Force

    So how exactly are these Battle Islands supposed to work? Just looking at them and going off the video it seems like they will be featured heavily in MLG. Sure I understand that people are saying and have said that they will be links between warpgates but how does a link only field a limited amount of people? So you're going to bet a foothold on a continent on a handful of people and not a sizable chunk of your faction? This video feels like what we should expect from the entire game in terms of quality and base design but limited in scope to a small sub-section of the game.

    PS2 equals massive battles and not platoon against platoon on an island. Send a small force to start prepping the field for an invasion.. I guess?
  3. DreamlessLiberty

    Not only that it was one of the worst features of WOW that undermined the battlegrounds.

    Arthai Basin battleground is better than the instanced pvp in GW2. The pvp is GW1 is better than the pvp in GW2. No clue what they are doing with GW2. Still waiting for an expansion instead they keep adding crap.
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  4. Zar

    I agree lattice was good still can but this..... this is something we have to stop now or it will come down and ruin this game let this be instanced for ***** sake do not make it part of core game play. give us sancs link warp gates together make them the links to other continents and make the 3 warp gates accessable to who ever has a link to the other continents. once again the devs are trying to reinvent the wheel when we have a perfectly good one already done. and theirs is lop sided and sick and is dying of bad ideas and whine.
  5. DreamlessLiberty

    If these battle islands become open for public play and instanced like tribes 2 the continents are going to be desolate. An objective and win condition? Bases with fights that mean something? Come on. It will be the second book of planetside 2, the book of exodus. It will also probably run at high fps so everyone and their mother will be playing battle islands if it is public.
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  6. Eclipson

    I could honestly care less about the actual battle island, as they are going to have ridiculous quees, or be for Outfit vs Outfit only. What I am exited about is that this shows us how awesome Hossin could be, at least if they put this level of design into Hossin.
  7. DreamlessLiberty

    I hope your first sentence is completely wrong :(. Pub battle island play would be epic. I imagine they will let it happen because....the more people that play on the islands and the more accessible it is the more people will care about the MLG matches.
  8. Zar

    only if its part of core game play other wise only people with crap computers are gonna play it which fine i get that no fun playing a fps slide show why i upgraded my computer xD. but no big battles over a half *** cod map >.< ill take my open land scape thanks.
  9. Cl1mh4224rd

    Doubtful. The Battle Islands are much smaller than the main continents. They can afford to be more complicated, terrain-wise.

    Primarily MLG, yeah. They want to incorporate them into the main game in some way, but they haven't decided yet on exactly how.
  10. IamDH

    I would have probably quit by the time this comes out..
  11. IamDH

    I would have probably quit by the time this comes out..
  12. SgtScum

    And a marketing push is all they need to replace you and possibly draw you back. Matter of fact beyond a few targeted browser ads and the main gaming conventions there has been little if any real marketing for the game which makes sense.

    You don't want to attract a bunch of new players only to have lack of content and a solid tutorial system drive them off like what happened during launch.

    If soe plays it cards right the bulk of the new content and the metagame will hit in between major clone of duty and battlefarce releases and dlc.
  13. VSDerp

    looks awesome. wish we had caves like that on live regular servers continents. looks so much fun.
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  14. 1Jammie1

    So are you saying that the first 48 people to get in will be the ones who decide if a faction takes it? I'm a little confused about this.
  15. ThundaHawkPS

    The stutter editing from 1:40 to the end bothered me because it reminded me of the stutter we currently experience in game and it is not good.

    Other than that, this has potential.
  16. Ash87

    No, that is not what I'm saying.

    The maps are going to be 48 v. 48 in MLG matches. There is no reason that they have to be 48 v 48 in regular play on the live server. The maps are about the size of the SW plateau of indar... so the popular opinion was that they would be 200-300 people per faction, so upwards of 600 people fighting over them max
  17. 1Jammie1

    Okay you're making perfect sense now. However, i thought they were going to be somewhere platoons could go and fight whenever they wanted.
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  18. EvilPhd

    2 team battles WTF
    That isn't planetside.

    EDIT: all that dev time wasted when they should have been revamping current bases. MLG dragging the whole community down.
  19. Ash87

    If they are instanced... and that is part of the outfit fights... which I think is disconnected from MLG... thats just a feature they talked about adding... which last I checked was unscheduled due to lack of interest.

    I don't know a ton about that system, I thought you would need some kind of oversight for that... so maybe if you request it to a moderator on your server, it'll mean you can get an instanced island for a match... or maybe you have to scheduele them... it's something along those lines though.
  20. 1Jammie1

    Makes sense, or maybe just a separate lobby that takes you to an instanced one. I guess we'll see.
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