[Guide] [Video] New "Conservative Aggression" Episode Out: ESF Tactics & Loadouts Gameplay Commentary

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ItZMuRdA, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. ItZMuRdA

    Hi guys,

    You may remember seeing my thread about being a 10 year PlanetSide veteran trying to kick start my Twitch and YouTube channels recently. I'd say things are off to a great start, you can check out my daily live stream at http://twitch.tv/itzmurda_tv, and over the past few weeks I've been hard at work creating new series' for my YouTube channel that will receive regular updates. I've also got more ideas for future series to come, and am all ears for any suggestions that any of you may have as well.

    For the time being, I recently began working on both my "Conservative Aggression" and "Analyze This" series and would love for you all to have a look. As of a few minutes ago, I released the 2nd episode in my Conservative Aggression series which focuses on ESF Air-to-Ground Tactics and Loadouts. I know this particular video gets a little long-winded, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. Be sure to also check out the original episode as well as my other series and highlight videos that you can find in my playlists!

    Thanks so much for your support and feedback!

  2. ItZMuRdA

    Have received a bit of feedback on youtube/twitter/PM so far so thanks everyone!
  3. ItZMuRdA

    Hi guys,

    I uploaded a new episode of Conservative Aggression today, this one being much shorter and focusing on some CQC Infil against-all-odds type of stuff when defending a tower and you're extremely outnumbered.

    Hope you all enjoy!