[Video] Cobalt gunning and spitfire support

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Matti, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. Matti

    Hi all!

    The best "use" I have had so far of the spitfire turret is while being in a tank.
    In this video I set it up a few times next to my sunderer while gunning a Prowler.
    Is the spitfire turret in a good place in terms of balance? I think so.

    I also think that the best AI secondary weapon for the prowler is the M12 Kobalt.
    Not always but in most situations, in this video you can see some of it's effectiveness

  2. Prudentia

  3. Matti

    I'm gunning on Cobalt..^^ get it?
  4. Prudentia

    i did ;) but it's obviously #MillersKobalt-HMasterrace
    tough i still thibk Kobalt on a Hrs is superior because you can drive into a base and then play "MAX that can tank 3 rockets and shred everything with the kobalt"
  5. nehylen

    I bought the Spitfire because i had the certs, nothing really interesting to spend on. 1k certs is a lot, but the AV turret was the same price after all, and you still had to upgrade it afterwards. The AV turret has probably been the least profitable thing i spent certs on, so the Spitfire couldn't do worse.

    To my surprise, the Spitfire actually does a good job for me in spite of my first bad impressions. I don't know how many kills i have with it but probably around 50 i'd say. I used to hate the noise, now i like it, as it's a much more trustworthy partner in general than a random standard ally:

    - he has my back, guarding an important area without moving
    - tells me of enemy presence and direction (turret orientation+enemy/turret shots)
    - gets focused by said enemy both emptying his mag before facing me (especially if i've put it in a good place), allowing me to flank him. Sometimes the guy will even start to reload after destroying it
    - even gets a little dps in
    - if for some reason i'm next to it, it's a bit like an overshield

    Combined with well placed proxy mines, or stacked with other Spitfires (like next to an important sundy, to kill the C4 fairies nobody sees) it can do wonders and allow the players to focus on something else.
    Overall it has allowed me to play trickster much more with the class, and as such i love it and damage/resistance are spot on as far as i'm concerned.
    The only thing i'd like would be for it to be cert-able like the Infiltrator's motion spotter, so that we would get backups (but replenished by ammo packs of course) without going back to a counter for a new one everytime,.
    • Up x 1
  6. Matti

    I guess correctly used this is a very useful thing for dedicated engineers.

    Thanks for feedback!