[Video] C85 Canister Review (Highly Underrated Weapon)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blackkyguy123, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. blackkyguy123

    A friend of mine got this a while ago, so we decided to do some Canister-Harasser runs. To my surprise, this thing is actually really good! I don't know why more people don't pull Canister-Harassers, they're actually really good.I decided to review it to get more people to use it.

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  2. axiom537

    I absolutely love using the Cannister on the Harasser. The Harasser is probably one of the best platforms for a weapon such as this, because it allows you to get in close and get out pretty quickly. We will often run two harassers in tandem, one for AV and the other with the cannister for AI.
  3. Reclaimer77

    Why would you want more people using this? Yeah cause we really need MORE things that can gib infantry being used.
  4. zombielores

    It's good but no were as good as the Marauder or pre-nerf PPA at AI but it was really good against light armour and beats all AV options except the Vulcan at anti-harraser.

    Even in your video you were spending 2-3 shots within dumbfire range and ranges where HA could through AV nades at you. Is it an underrated weapon? yes, is it anywhere near the Marauder not even close. The canister not having splash also means there's a finite amount of damage you cant do, I can have 100 players stacked into 1 spot and the Canister would only be able at best to kill 15 of them while the Marauder can kill all of them in 1 clip.

    In the video, when your doing AI against those targets, you would have been better off with the Marauder or Fury and just splash them to death especially when your driver was moving at high speeds causing you to miss.
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  5. axiom537

    Infantry are more then capable of defending themselves. If a vehicle can drive up and spray infantry with bullets it's their fault. Tank Mines, Dumbfire rockets, lock-on rockets, man those 2 guns on the sunderer, they are not their for looks. And my personal favorite is drop 2 C4 on the ground in front of myself and wait for the harrasser driver to try and run me over and POP, there goes the C4 and one dead harasser...

    They should also have other vehicles in the area to help defend the sunderer or even ESF's...Let's stop this QQ'ing for infantry... We all play it and if we do not defend ourselves as infantry as mentioned above we deserve to die...
  6. blackkyguy123

    Main advantage that this thing has over the Fury is the fact that it only costs 250certs and it has superior ranged capabilities. Also... I'm pretty sure that no weapon could kill 100 guys with one clip, thats a LOT of dudes. I get what your saying though.