[VIDEO] Am I ready for MLG yet?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, May 21, 2013.

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  1. ih8Darian

    I think you need some of this:

    Also @ the picture, that's mostly SOE's hit detection problems. We've all gotten kills/hits that are like this.
  2. ih8Darian

    Yeah that's true, still though, gotta admire dumbfiring from that far of a range, phoenix guy was literally 5M away from the scythe when he shot him
  3. USD

    A scat max kill streak?


    You are my new deity.
  4. LanceTR

    Wow Stew. You can kill people with a scat max? You must be pro.
  5. whaleboy

    lel, butt **** psychic... you're not even close to ready for planetside2 E-sports.

    Come back when you have an obnoxious amount of video editing to cover up not actually being good, re-do that trick but do a 360 and switch your weapons back and forth at least three times, and finally you need to be sponsored by something unrelated to gaming for us to even begin to take you seriously.
  6. Stew360

    Yes iam and take a look at your fellow (( ultra alliance )) power who got destroy today ;)

    Also is a killstreak with a fully upgrade HA and a shotguns is worthy ? or a dual cycler maxs ? or farming infantry with a prowler ?

    Gimme a break HAHAHA you can kill a scatter in 1 c4 and 2 rocket






  7. Liquid23

    I think Stew360 and BCP should fight... or make love... whichever
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  8. AudieSmurfy

    Funny, we seem to be wrecking you guys on Esamir right now.
  9. Stew360

    Yeah we all offline since the alert is Gone ;) just saying your back to normal Steam rolling unorganised randoms like noobs ;)
  10. TekTR

    Damn you are full of excuses for every possible situation.
  11. Stew360

    Iam full of inteligence yes and i know how to analyse a situation properly

    So if having a brain is a excuse so be it ;) DID YOU MISS MY KILLBOARD IVE POST FEW MINUTES AGO ? SHOULD I REPOST IT ?


  12. TekTR

    No I have not missed your endless spam. Wtf does a killboard filled with scatmax kills prove? And a bunch of HA kills, you know the class you love to hate so much? And if you were "intelligent" you would be able to string together a group of words known in the English language as a sentence. Or at least use spellcheck.
  13. thrikerr

    Oh, a Mattherson VS player? I can smell the jelly.
  14. Stew360

    oh i see you miss it

    It was today this time in the alert on esamir facing your endless zergs of AOD TE and BWC etc.. and we won every single battle NC versus TR ;) someones will post a video of it later on ;) where in the hell you see scatter maxs their ?






  15. DurandaI

    stew is probably the biggest and most vocal rager in the game.

    relax man, its a game.
  16. TekTR

    You can keep thinking whatever you like. It's inconvenient for you that Buzz streams every minute of ops though, right? :rolleyes:
  17. Balm


    stew is seriously upset

    where is that video of Buzz killing stew over and over?

    edit: here it is

    inb4 crying over Buzz's weapon and armor choice
  18. xWarMachine

    awww stew are you mad bro?

    Are you ******** so much cause buzz is a top killer of yours?

    Poor poor stew.


    On a high note for everyone else; the ignore function on the forum works well.
  19. AudieSmurfy

    Funny, all I see is us winning every battle.

  20. InZanity

    I really hope someone locks this thread soon, i found OP's post amusing but the thread sadly went sideways fast, as always with fanbois and fannytroubled people..
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