[Video] 2 Cookies 1 Crossbow - CuteBeaver

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CuteBeaver, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. CuteBeaver

    Here is some of my recent footage for the play-style I am trying to develop for myself.

    Its a little bit aggressive and a little bit conservative at the same time. Opportunistic with a touch of parkour I suppose would be a better term to use. Knifing has always been my stronger point so I tend to feel very comfortable with hit and runs. When the crossbow first came out I was drawn very much to the one body shot + knife kill potential. At the same time that extra range allows me to run around without getting out of effective range. Its a win win for me.

    Its important to note this playstyle has taken me a while to learn.

    I am still improving each day. Everything from improving my accuracy with the crossbow, to setting mental rules to how i handle certain situations in comabt. For example: Allies giving away your location with darklights and firing behind you.... drawing enemy attention... are major issues to contend with. Ultimately the ability to perform take downs in CQC rests on not allowing the enemy enough time to react to your presence. Learning to run is just as important as learning to attack.

    I hope you enjoy the video. <3

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  2. Cobra Commander

    Oh funny, I had no idea Tom was doing something besides Assemblage23...sounds good though!

    Oh and cool vid too :)
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  3. Mustarde

    I love it - stalker and crossbows change how you think. At least that's what happened to me while making my video.

    I like your mine build - I used medkits, because I ALWAYS use medkits. But I can see how useful mines are with this type of gameplay. I still like ammo belt for when you get into a nice campy spot and want to shoot tons of arrows.
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  4. K2k4

    Your use of EMP at point blank sometimes makes me cringe, but it seems to work well for you!

    Other than that, great vid!
  5. JorgeSarcos

    6:25 you are not afraid of water :eek:
  6. Reavx

    Nice vid.
    When I bother to use the xbow I use it in a manner you show with some more emphasis now and then on finding those 'parkour' spots you talk of and plinking away at people.
    On the Amp towers for example I abuse those alot.

    I prefer the 6x scope my self, being a sniper I'm used to the sway, easier to judge bolt drop.
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