[VIDEO] 134 killstreak in 20mins [5min video] 100certs exactly and SOE response

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wrenched, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Sinist

    The problem I think SOE see's is that ammo supply boxes will not refill grenades indefinatly.

    You need to use a "bug" to get the gun to keep resupplying. That is called exploiting. Not saying I agree or disagree, just pointing out to people who have never tested the underslung and ammo supplies.
  2. wrenched

    I disagree, myself and a number of users have been using the technique for a long time now. As the update from SOE releasing my account from suspension states [page 4], it was due to the streak.
  3. AnotherNoob

    TL DR
    But I am fairly certain that the ban was because people reported you for being killed over and over again by what to them seemed to be an assault rifle, without seeing any bullet hits on themselves. I think that the "killed by" thing should say grenade launcher instead of just showcase the rifle...
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  4. Veri

    Extra suspension for using terrible 90's soft core **** music in your video clip.
    Amusing clip to watch though.
    Is this Briggs or something.
  5. Aerensiniac

    Assumed that you blend in with the 98% of the other people who would get onto the forums just to vent frustration and pick on others for relief. We have more than enough remarks involving the player base of each specific faction.
    If i was mistaken then please accept my apology.
  6. Sinist

    When I use underslung and ammo boxes, the grenades will eventually stop refilling.

    SOE auto banning for kill streaks is a bunch of lies in my opinion.

    Believing a person who was banned to tell the truth is like asking a murderer if he killed someone. 9 times out of 10 youre going to get BS.
  7. wrenched

    As the update from SOE releasing my account from suspension states [page 4], it was due to the streak.
  8. wrenched

    I love operation metro.

    I received fairness and well thought procedures from SOE in what I thought was an incredibly fast response time.

    As the update from SOE releasing my account from suspension states [page 4], it was due to the streak.
  9. Sinist

    Your a liar.

    There are no posts from SOE in this thread.

    You mean to say that your version of the story is that SOE banned you for a kill streak. Like I said that is just not true.

    On another note, why do most cheaters have horrible English skills?
  10. Juni

    I stopped crying about games 8 years ago, there is no point and you just look like an *** when you do.
    However I do get a good laugh when other people cry about games, especially when they have no clue what they are talking about, it is one of the main reason I come to the forums, the other is to comment on things.
    Comment, not complain.
  11. wrenched

    This may result in thread being closed because you're not really supposed to post this stuff, but I think it shows great customer service from SOE.

    Also it make Sinist look like a complete idiot.

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  12. Phrygen

    "please minimize your slaughter...

    dafaq did i just read....

    these devs.... my god.
  13. Sinist


    SOE is incompetant but hopefully not THAT incompetant.
  14. wrenched

    Personally I think automatic systems are a great idea, I doubt they get that many false positives.

    And more players stay because there are less hackers online like the 000000000000000000000000 plague of christmas 2012 when we were all calling out for automated systems. If the downside is having legitimate cases reviewed in a timely manner with great service, then that's a price I think we should pay.

    However, without the video, I may have had more difficulty getting the suspension removed so quickly.
  15. Fortress

    Remember folks, if you play with any sort of creativity or skill, you are hacking.
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  16. Skadi

    i read it as
    "Please stop killing noobs, we are here to cater to them and you are making it hard by using their weapons to decimate them"
    Fixed that for you.
  17. PhasedEVolution

    An automated system had to be introduced.

    It had gotten to a point where these hacks had evolved into crazy teleportation massacre machines and the people using them (like 24x0) were showing no mercy, destroying entire platoons at the crown and other hot spots as there was no fear of being banned for ages.

    It won't stop the hacks, but it'll at least shutdown the people that go nuts with them and destroy entire wars for hours on end.
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  18. Dulu

    Well done mate. Sorry you got suspended.

    I think they need more admins, and less automated detection systems like this.
  19. Phyr

    Post proof that SOE is banning people, they call SOE incompetent.
    Post proof that they have customer service, photoshop and insults about their choice of words.

    Haters gonna hate.
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  20. HappyZaps

    Irony, thou art both cruel and hilarious.

    In any case, the point you still don't understand is that we've been told that, for better or worse, the UBGL is supposed to refill from an ammo pack. The fact that it doesn't is a bug. Interrupting the reload cycle by switching to another weapon (or just swinging the knife) will cause the grenade to reload properly. This does not constitute any logical definition of "exploit".

    When this is fixed someday there will be an uproar, and there probably should be. Endless grenade spam is kind of silly. Much as I enjoy the way it's designed currently, I stand by the idea that a UBGL load should deduct from the regular grenade pool. That way you have to buy them just like any other explosive.
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