Very weird bug - accused for hacking! [Video!]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GMajor, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. GMajor

    Not sure if anyone has seen this one before? a pretty weird bug and I'm sure we've all seen our fair share during beta :) So "Uzii" appears as i'm dropping ammo and then glitches around the place at the top of the tower.

    I'm confused to hell, presume its some speed hack(!?) then get messages from him calling ME the hacker. Maybe a bluff, or I'm just rather lucky to encounter this one during double XP - thanks for the free kills PS2!

    • Up x 1
  2. MilitiaMan

    I like the bug when I instant heal my tank.

    Always a good day on that day ;D
  3. Root

    Wouldn't worry about it. Was hard to tell what was going on there but probably just a bug, or someone lagging or something (game seems to handle netcode funny at times). People accuse others of cheating all the time, if they're serious they'll report you and SOE will check it out. In which case they'll clear you cause, well it sure didn't look to me like you were cheating heh.
  4. JokeForgrim

    WTF? Thats was weird. Also TR weapons are crazy powerful.

    I thought he might have been using the jump pad and playing on dial-up, but then he appeared in 2 different places :O
  5. Uzii

    Hello again GMajor. I'd first like to apologise for my in game behaviour regarding this. On my screen I was spawning next to a Sunderer inside the operational shield walls. I'm sure you can understand my frustration at being accused of hacking myself, when for me it appeared to be the opposite.

    I see now that you were indeed right, and this must have been a bug, as you said when we spoke the second time in-game. Again I apologise, having been the victim of hackers twice already on Woodman, I wrongly thought this was another instance. I will send a support ticket to SOE asking to undo my report of you.

    Edit: Enjoy the free kills ;), I redeemed my deaths later on against the VS, while they were running across open fields to our waiting guns.