Very Interesting Files

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blarg20011, May 15, 2013.

  1. Blarg20011

    So, I had some time on my hands today and was digging through the PS2 model files, when, lo and behold, I cam across these little beauties. Besides these there are a tone of Hossin and Searhaus textures, and new hood ornaments (including PS1 vehicles!). I'm sure there are more things to be found and I will post updates If I come across them.

    NOTE: Some of the pictures themselves are not very interesting, but the file name certainly are.

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  2. Radec594

    Some of those are from the BETA and were scratched I think, namely the Turrets.

    Im having a hard time reading the file names.

    People have pointed out hidden files since launch. Until they are in the game, I am only going to consider them very covert easter eggs at best.
  4. Pikachu

    Funny colors. Seems like the rumored rocket launcher for flash is in the works, picture 7. When are we gonna get that railcannon? Hm I guess at MBT revamp at christmas.
  5. GSZenith

    inb4 topic lost and op never seen again :eek:
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  6. Kupcake

    Most of the time you stumble upon stuff like this, you need to realize that much of it is not planned new content, but actually scrapped old content.

    In particular, old beta ideas that were discarded.
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  7. Blarg20011

    Hmm, okay, I'll make a post showing what each one is.

    1. Autoturret
    2. AA Missile Phalanx
    3. Minigun Phalanx
    4. AV Missile Phalanx
    5. Vulcan for Flash
    6. Flash Particle Cannon
    7. NC Flash RL
    8. TR Flash RL
    9. VS Flash RL
    10. Engi Missile turret
    11. Same, different angle
    12. Phalanx Missile Turret
    13. 30mm Ball Turret
    14. Railgun Secondary
    15. Reaver Railgun
    16. Vanguard Railgun
    17. Prowler "Overdrive" canister
    18. NS Grenade Launcher
    19. EMP Mine
    20. Bipod
    21. Turret Control Unit
    22. A Nice Bank of Monitors
    23. KOTH Console
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  8. Blarg20011

    I know, it's sad
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  9. vulkkan

    Oooh look at the grenade launcher, imagine the fun times I could have with that in a biolab as an engineer. ;)

    *cue weapons lock due to idiots walking in front of me*
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  10. Blarg20011

    Yeah, I expect to see the 'nade launcher, Flash weapons, Railguns, and possibly EMP mine in game, not much hope for the rest.
  11. Blarg20011

    Hey man, its their fi-
  12. SgtScum

    I think shelved for later resurrection would be a closer explanation. ;)
  13. Pikachu

    ESRL for flash? Do we get a camera guided one? :rolleyes: Or laser guided? Does vanu have the choice to shoot 1 rocket at a steady rate of fire or charge it up for a quick burst?
  14. ZEPLN

    I might agree with you if the original concept design for the Vanguard didn't have parts attached to it that became cosmetic add-ons.

    It's poor business to develop 3d models such as these and not put them to good use.
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  15. Xind

    Thumper spam kind of ruined PS1, I really don't think it'd go down differently in PS2.

    Say no to Grenade Launchers. Real men throw grenades by hand.
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  16. Blarg20011

    I sure hope so, those phalanx turrets are seriously sexy.
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  17. Zorro

    I am hoping these things get added. The new deployable turret especially looks enticing.
  18. TintaBux

    Exactly most gaming development teams don't waste the resources modeling objects that won't be used, only tweak them to improve. Scrapping stuff that modelers spent time making just means loss.
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  19. Eclipson

    I want that deployable turret.
  20. Blarg20011

    Yeah, the colors are really weird, but they're what PS2ls puts them in automatically, and I don't know how to export them to Blender/Maya/etc.