Verdict On Quick Spawn Increased Spawn Timers? [Yes I Said That Right]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrJengles, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. MrJengles

    Cross-posted on Reddit.

    More accurately, how the game arbitrarily takes away the decreased spawn timer, but that's just a matter of viewpoint and not as short for a title.

    I'll give an example to make this really clear:

    1. Spawn at a base with no other spawn options and you get the quick spawn decreased timer for each respawn.
    2. Place a Sunderer "closer" to the action / where you tend to die.
    3. Go to the map/respawn screen and observe your timer increased on every option except that Sunderer. [The quick spawn reduction applies to whichever spawn it chooses whether or not you hit the quick spawn button].

    But if the Sunderer is closer why is that a problem, you ask? Excellent question.

    "Closer" is defined by distance. It takes no account of things such as staircases or roundabout traveling meaning it may actually take longer to get into combat.

    Being close does not define a good spawn option. It may be a camped spawn; it may approach head on when you wanted to flank; it may be a safe spawn but in a terrible location where every approach is uphill or bottlenecked etc.

    This results in players deciding between A) a bad spawn option, auto-selected with reduced timer and B) a good spawn option without the reduction.

    When Quick Spawn was proposed I pointed out that there is no way to design a system that can accurately sort out which spawn options are good and which are bad; it is up to players to make that sort of tactical decision. Therefore, any system that intrudes on this and thinks it knows best, when it doesn't, cannot ensure it won't hurt gameplay.

    The only solution to this is to treat all local spawns (same territory) equally and leave it up to the players to decide. I have no issue with an auto-spawn button but my opinion is it should stop messing with timers!

    Now that we've had some time to experience the Quick Spawn changes, what does everyone else think?
  2. Takara

    Non-issue in my own opinion. The spawn timers in this game are far tooo short to be honest with you. There should be more of a penalty for dying if you ask me. In PS1 if you died a lot close together your spawn time would go from 5 seconds to 7...then to 10....then to 20....and so on and so on till it hit 45 seconds. In some of the bigger fights many people would be hovering around 30 second spawn times. Having a biolab would decrease your team's spawn time. AMS locations were always 30 seconds never got the biolab bonus.

    Basically it helped both attackers and defenders....It made throwing massive amounts of people at something not always the best method. It helped fights become more dynamic....the front line's moved depending on who started to fight better. It was a far more enjoyable spawn system. Even if it did sometimes suck to have to wait 45 seconds to respawn, you would see many less suicide c4 fairies that you killed 3 times coming back at you in 10 seconds.
    • Up x 2
  3. MrJengles

    I completely agree with everything there but I wanted to separate the two issues as I know there's plenty of controversy over raising spawn timers.

    This part of quick spawn is completely nonsensical and doesn't even help in the way you might expect and should just be scrapped.
  4. zombielores

    You also have to consider that in PS1 TTK was a lot much longer and they were very few instant or almost instant death weapons then compared to PS2. In PS2 you can be HS sniped, HE Spammed, Stealth AH gibbed, PA shottied, Grenade spammed, etc. pretty much everywhere you go, life expectancy in PS2 is a lot much shorter then PS1 and sitting on the spawn screen for 45 seconds only to get gibbed by something when you exit the spawn room isn't very fun.

    PS1 and PS2 are very different games even though they share very similar traits.
  5. Takara

    Well you are right....considering the amount of weapons that are in PS2 there is actually less.

    PS1 weapons that could OHK - Jackhammer,Flail fire, boomer, vanguard,sweeper(if you were in agile armor or below) liberator bombs(both kinds) Enforcer?( I'm pretty sure that OHK infantry on direct hit) *won't list BFR weapons*. Doesn't sound like a lot right? But considering there was seriously only like 30 weapons in the whole game it's pretty significant percentage. I understand your point....but most fights won in PS2 are pretty much population based. I think longer spawns would add some meta to the game that would give zergs more of a reason to have some common sense or get handy capped.

    So I shoot and kill a harasser with my MBT.....twenty seconds later they pull out of the base same crew...full health and engage me again. One of the strategies I've used in biolab fights is going Infil....and cloaking just rushing a room full of MAX and Infantry unit's...throwing my two proxy mines out and hosing the room with my SMG so when they explode I get like four of five kills each. I just rush it over and over again till my team retakes the room. It's total BS....I shouldn't beable to do that without penalty.

    BUT....I will admit at the same time the medic tool should require ammo :-/ Same with repair tools.
  6. zombielores

    When I meant a lot more I meant in amount wise, in PS2 you can cert into everything eventually so you will see a lot more OHK weapons then in PS1. Also considering most of the bases in PS1 were infantry only playground with a courtyard and most infantry were really weak against vehicles outside you get gibbed a lot less in PS1 then you do in PS2 [unless you were fighting NC where it was all 3rd person corner camping with the Jackhammer.]

    The short term solution to solving suicide tactics is to increase the spawn timer if you don't contribute for your death, but personally I would rather see them finish resource revamp part 2 and add Silos and ANTs do that suicide tactics are considered wasteful.

    Regarding Medic and repair tool, I wouldn't object to adding some sort of battery or heat system to them so that they have a short term limit.